Chapter 4

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No way. What is he doing here? Of all the people that would move next to mine, it had to be him. Don't get me wrong, I missed him. So much but after the last time we met, my life went spiraling down. We're both feeling the same way towards life but it feels like we've become strangers.

I took a look at him. His hair became longer and he became thinner as well. The shirt he's wearing used to fit him really well but there was now a significant weight loss. He's also wearing a flimsy jacket and a worn out sweatpants.

When I looked back at his eyes, he's still staring at me.

Life really had to put two people that used to close friends but now broken beyond repair because of misfortunes together.

"How are you?" he finally asked. His voice husky, like he hasn't spoken in a long time.

I was about to answer him but my attention darted towards the box full of ramyeon but it was really messy. The box was opened carelessly and the contents inside was scattered.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked him.

He faced the floor and let out a sigh.

Looking at the mess, I noticed that there was a trail of it going to a unit a few doors away from us that has a door happened. I held my backpack and wore it before carefully following the trail.

There was a soft sound of footsteps behind me and when I looked back, Hyunsu's already following me close behind.

Our eyes met and we nodded to each other. Silently, we both walked towards the said unit.

When we reached the door, I peeked inside and everything was a mess. The contents of the ramyeon was scattered everywhere.

I tried to move more to see if someone's inside but I finally took notice of the red, shiny, bloody mess.


There was blood on the floor. I've never seen this much amount of blood ever since I trie-

My head whipped forward.

There was a sound of gurgling, like it has a trouble with breathing, like snarling. I froze and I can feel Hyunsu did as well. It wasn't a very common sound to hear.

Hyunsu and I didn't move a muscle and just waited.

A ball of fur suddenly tumbled into our sight.

There were two problems after that.

First was it wasn't a simple ball of fur. It was a decapitated head of a cat. The cat that the owner of this unit owned to be specific.

Second, a hand that was supposed to look beautifully manicured was covered with blood and chunks of what looks like innards appeared. The hand reached toward the head of the cat and snatched it right in front of Hyunsu and I's eyes.

That is not normal, what the actual fuck is happening. I though to myself.

"Let's go." Hyunsu whispered in my ear.

I nodded, still not looking at him. I was looking at the silhouette of a person behind a foggy wall of glass. It was hunched back, eating what was on it's hand.

A loud, crunchy sound was suddenly heard behind me. I turned around and it was Hyunsu. He looked like he tried to step backwards silently but he stepped on a packet of ramyeon.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I at him.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" I whispered harshly at him.

"I'm sor-"


We snapped our heads to the direction of the voice. It was the one behind the wall of foggy glass.

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