Chapter 7

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There was aother loud sound when the monster’s other hand went to the wall. One look at Hyunsu and I knew that he’s about to panic. His hand was on his hand, trying so hard not to make a sound. I grabbed his free hand guided him to back away as possible.

“I can’t see.” the monster gurgled.

I was looking at Hyunsu the whole time so I still wasn’t able to look up at the monster but when I did, I had to force myself to not shout in shock.

The monster’s head was only the bottom part of what a face should have. It only has a mouth and one huge ear that is placed on the side of his head. It’s ears were so big that it was flapping around but I don’t really know if that’s intentional or not. The upper part was gone, no eyes at all. It looked like the upper part was sliced off.

Hyunsu and I now have seen the flaw of this monster. We have some kind of advatantage over this. We just have to make sure that twe make no sound.

I slid down the wall and Hyunsu followed. We tried to curl into a ball to occupy less space so the monster wouldn’t accidentally nudge us and kill us.


I can now feel myself shaking as I close my eyes tight.

Just one chance please. Let me have a chance. I want to live. I want to survive. Please let us survive.

I dare not to open my eyes but I can hear snarling from above. Hyunsu’s also shaking beside me.

The sound of scraping followed after the snarling. I opened my eyes for a bit and I can see that the monster was right in front of us but not facing us. It’s still facing the room, darting it’s head into every direction.

I also found where the sound of scraping was coming from. The arm of the monster was above us, it’s nails against the wall and moving it across every step it takes.

Hyunsu turned to look at me slightly and I did as well. We had eye contact, both of us scared out of our wits.

The monster now walked fully inside the room. Hyunsu and I just followed with our eyes.

“I can’t see.” it gurgled once more.

It was snarling angrily everywhere. I can also hear bones crackingwhich made me shuffle closer to Hyunsu. My taekwondo skills obviously won’t stand a chance against this bizarre creature.

I kept my eyes on the mosnter, watching it fearfully. There was movement beside me but I didn’t turn away from the monster.

The pole that I handed to Hyunsu was in my peripheral vision then his hand came into view. I glanced at him, he pointed at the pole which was closer to mine then went forwards slowly to get it.

I helped him, slowly but silently. We can’t afford to make even the slightest nose.

“I can’t see.” the monster said.

Hyunsu and I stopped for a bit with what we’re doing but continued a few seconds after.

After a few nerve wracking seconds, I was able to grasp the end of the pole and was about to pull it when Hyunsu put his hands on my shoulder to halt my movements.

He was looking at the monster when I looked at him and so I did as well. It’s ears was pounding obviously, there was literally a pulse beating and we can see it from far away.

A very distrubing sight if you ask me.

Hyunsu is now pulling me away slowly and silently but the monster’s arm is now extending towards us.

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