Chapter 41

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There were multiple mumbles from different people at the moment because of the reason that Eunhyuk called everyone in the nursery for a meeting.

"Why did he call us all here?" Hyunsu asked me.

The both of us stood at the very back corner of the room when we saw the uneasy glances thrown our way.

Surprisingly, Byeongil was brave enough to sit near us. He even gave me a small smile which I returned.

"I asked Eunhyuk to tell everyone why we were rationing what's left in the supermarket to avoid misunderstandings like what happened a while ago." I told Hyunsu.

"Smart idea." he nodded.

Everyone was sitting on the floor, a few are leaning on a random wall, while Eunhyuk is at the front.

"We need to venture outside." Eunhyuk started. "We only have at least five days worth of food." he added.

Everything went quiet when Eunhyuk spoke. His words triggering fear and nervousness that's spreading through everyone.

"Isn't it too dangerous?" Jaeheon asked the man in front.

The atmosphere inside the room was heavy because of the subject.

Everyone here should've known that the resources here won't last very long and they'd eventually go outside to find more of it.

"We made some preparations." Eunhyuk replied to Jaeheon after a short pause.

"Mr. Ahn scouted the area. And Mr. Han is working on the car." Eunhyuk elaborated.

So that's why I didn't see them.

It's definitely brilliant that Eunhyuk managed to come up with a strategy like this to not only prioritize the safety of the people here but also those that has to go outside.

"Hang on, four-eyes." Byeongil suddenly said.

His comment about Eunhyuk irked me a bit. "Four-eyes?" I repeated, loud enough for him to look at me.

"Sorry. I mean, Eunhyuk." he started again. "Who's going, then? Are we drawing straws?" he continued.

Every single person became anxious because of what Byeongil asked.

"Isn't supposed to be obvious that it would be us that would go?" Hyunsu asked me quietly.

I shrugged at him and just listened to them.

"It's an important mission, so the ones most likely to succeed will go." Eunhyuk answered Byeongil's question and it was only then that the others have realized that it will most definitely be Hyunsu and I who's certain to go.

Eunyoo's face turned to look at me.

Her face was a mix of worry and agitation and I know her long enough to know why she's showing me that kind of expression.

Worry because of the fact that I have to go outside and get injured or worse, killed, while doing the mission.

Agitation because I have to once again risk my life for others.

I'm not complaining though. As long as Eunyoo's life won't be in danger because of starvation and dehydration then it's enough reason for me to go outside.

Eunhyuk ended the meeting and everyone slowly stood up and went outside to do whatever they're doing.

Hyunsu went outside first since I wanted to check on the children.

I walked towards the both of them to see that Yeongsu's trying to read the story book that he's holding while Suyeong corrects him if he says something wrong.

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