Chapter 35

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The words that got out of Eunhyuk's mouth echoed in my mind, repeating it over and over again and with every word being conveyed, I feel my heart get broken piece by piece.


After all he said just the other day about not wanting to stop, he still did it.

"Nara..." someone called out to me.

I didn't look at whoever call me and just looked at where Eunyuk left.

Is it because it's literally the apocalypse?

Is it because he's under a lot of pressure from the people that he needs to protect?

Is it because he feels burdened by me being infec-

Of course. That's the reason.

It all comes down to the same reason why I didn't want to get back with him but why would he realize that now at a time where I accepted him.

"Let's go. We need to talk." someone told me and ushered me to the arcade.

I looked at the person accompanying me and saw that it's Jisu. She gave me sad smile and squeezed my hand out of comfort.

When we arrived at the arcade, we saw Eunhyuk and Hyunsu having a stare off.

Jisu cleared her throat and they both looked at us but my eyes didn't meet any of them. It just stared forward.

I walked forward to where they are without showing any emotions but it's getting really hard because Eunhyuk is in front of me and the scene where he broke up with me without saying anything else let my mind and thoughts go down in shambles.

"You're here." Eunhyuk said, his voice cold and unwavering.

I didn't give him any response and just leaned on the wall near where Hyunsu is seated.

I felt Hyunsu try and meet my eyes but I swerved it away from him.

His hand grabbed the hem of my pants and at that moment, I wanted to cry but I can't. Not in front of Eunhyuk.

"We have to go outside. There's no guarantee that we'll be safe here." Eunhyuk said, starting of the meeting or whatever.

"Nothing happened when we retrieved the corpses. The situation might've calmed down." he added.

Hyunsu's hold on my pants loosened and I saw him look up at Eunhyuk.

"So?" Hyunsu asked.

I tried focusing on what they're saying as much as I can but it's proven to be quite difficult.

"It's..." Eunhyuk trailed off.

"It's taking the both of you longer and longer to recover." he stated after sighing.

I raised my head but didn't look at him.

I have a feeling that I'm not going to like what he's going to say.

"We don't know when you'll turn into a monster." Eunhyuk said, looking at Hyunsu and I.

I straightened up and looked at him but not to his eyes. The reason of why he broke up with me is probably what he's trying to tell us.

"You think I'll hurt you guys if we become monsters?" Hyunsu questioned, staring at Eunhyuk's figure.

Eunhyuk didn't try to look at me and kept his eyes to Hyunsu who has his eyes wide.

"There are monsters that don't hurt people." Hyunsu tried to convince Eunhyuk.

"So?" Eunhyuk's eyes narrowed at Hyunsu. "Can you be sure you'll be like them?" he added.

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