Chapter 27

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I woke up with a slight groan. The nightmare I just had was so vivid.

I saw myself getting mauled over by people I trusted while they turn to monsters themselves while I stay human. The sight of seeing their pitch black eyes made me shudder.

It's better that I be the monster than them. They deserve better.

The mattress under me let out a slight squeak because of my movements. I tried moving slowly to not wake Hyunsu up who's almost slipping off the edge of the mattress.

I managed to get off and stood up. I went to Hyunsu's side and gently pushed him towards the middle so he can have at least a better sleep but before I could even give another small shove, he opened his eyes.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" he immediately asked and tried to get up but I didn't let him.

"Just needed to pee, don't worry." I smiled at him and waited for him to go back to sleep.

When I heard light snoring from him, I stood up and made my way towards the door, passing by the old man who has now gone silent the past few hours.

I'm actually quite surprised that he didn't try and bug Hyunsu and I when we got back. He just stayed on his side of the room, thankfully.

When I got to the door, I knocked three times.

There has to be someone out there.

Fortunately, there is but took my thoughts back when I saw that it was Eunhyuk.

"Nightmare-" he stopped, taking back what he was about to say.

"Sorry, force of habit. What is it?" he asked.

Force of habit, huh?

"Bathroom." I answered, not looking at him in anyway. It's not because I felt guilty of punching him, he deserved that. It's because of the nightmare. He was one of the people that I really trust and he turned into a monster right before my eyes. His face had blood everywhere and his eyes were sinister. It was pitch black.

I was scared that I'd see that when I look at him so I just didn't.

"There's a bathroom inside." he pointed at the door inside the arcade.

"I don't want to go in a filthy bathroom filled with that old man's blood in the dawn of daylight. Call me fussy but I won't." I stated, crossing my arms across my chest, still not looking at him.

"And don't worry about me attacking you or anyone while they're asleep." I added in case he's thinking about me going berserk all of a sudden.

Eunhyuk nodded and let me out. I heard the door close but I didn't turn to look at it, instead I made my way towards the bathroom.

There's a pair of footstep behind me, probably Eunhyuk.

We walked in silence, not talking at all. There's awkwardness hanging around us but I didn't mind it.

When we reached the bathroom, I was about to open it when someone walked out from it.

"Eunyoo. What are you doing awake?" her brother asked.

"Bathroom. You can't expect me to keep all of it the whole night." she retorted then she looked at me.

"You?" she questioned.

"Same as you." I replied.

"Cool, let me accompany you." she smiled and took my hand but Eunhyuk interrupted.

"Go back to sleep, Eunyoo," he said, nodding towards the direction of one of the rooms.

"You don't tell me what to do." she snapped at him then pulled me inside the bathroom.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukWhere stories live. Discover now