Chapter 22

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I had a dreamless sleep which I was very thankful for since it's been quite a while since I've had one. But when I woke up, the harsh reality came crashing down.

"You're up." I heard Hyunsu say from beside me.

I only nodded at him and rubbed the sleepiness in my eyes.

"If I were you, I'd try waking up faster. The old man's been glaring at the both of us and the person you kicked keep on staring at you and trust me when I say this, I would've done something about it but that would ruin your sleep and make you angrier." he explained, pointing at the old man and the other person without giving a care that they can see him.

After what he said, I let out a big yawn and went to fix my hair. There was a dull ache at the bottom of my back, probably because of how I slept but at least it was dreamless.

I looked at the old man sharply, making him turn away hastily. The other person, though, the one who's giving me creepy vibes, just stared.

As long as he stays far away from me, then I won't have to do anything rashly.

I wondered what time it was but before I could ask Hyunsu, the door of the arcade opened.

Sunlight streamed inside the dim room and someone came inside.

Once my eyes adjusted with the light, I saw that it was Eunhyuk.

He looks better than last night. I guess he took my advice and slept for a bit.

The old man stood up on his feet and hurriedly went to Eunhyuk with a smile.

"I'm really okay." he said but Eunhyuk didn't even give him a single glance. He was looking at Hyunsu and I.

I just looked at him for a second, while my hands were busy, trying to tie my hair but my hair tie was suddenly nowhere to be found.

"Bae Nara and Cha Hyunsu, I need to speak with the both of you." he called out to us, his voice loud and clear.

The old man whipped his head to our direction, his face turning red once more. "What? Why are you only taking them? What about me?" he asked, irritated about the fact that he's being openly ignored.

Still holding my hair, I stood up but I let out a groan of pain because of the ache on my lower back. I didn't expect it to hurt that bad but it did.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, peering at my face.

I gave him a thumbs up and straightened up as much as I can.

Hyunsu didn't believe me with the look he shot me but I didn't mind him and just walked towards Eunhyuk and the old man who's still hoping for an answer.

Eunhyuk nodded at me and went to the door to wait, leaving Hyunsu and I with the old man but we have no plans say anything to him but he has.

He grabbed my arm that was busy holding up my hair towards him. "You're just being used." he taunted.

With my hair let down because of him, I became annoyed.

Obviously everyone heard what the old man said.

My eyes found Eunhyuk's who's still by the door.

Hyunsu is now looking at him as well.

"You don't think I know that?" I answered curtly, still staring straight at Eunhyuk.

That's already a given answer when he let us stay. Eunhyuk knows the danger of putting us in the same floor with the survivors but he has to for some reason I don't know.

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