Chapter 43

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All of us reached the clinic in less than a minute since Eunhyuk was basically sprinting by the way he swiftly walks. He laid Jisu on a couch by the wall when we came inside. Even Mrs. Cha, Suyeong, and Hyein who were just cleaning stuff was surprised by the sight she saw.

Jisu regained some strength when she was laid down and has now managed to at least look up.

We gathered around her, including Mrs. Cha, Suyeong, and Hyein who just happened to be curious as well.

"How long have you been hurting?" Eunhyuk asked after he sat at the vacant chair by the couch that Jisu is now occupying.

"I'm fine." Jisu muttered, still obviously weak.

"She's been looking like that for a while now. I don't think that's the definition of fine." I chimed in as I looked at Eunhyuk and he doesn't seem convinced by the answer he got from Jisu as well. His hands suddenly reached for Jisu's abdomen and pressed on it making her omit a loud groan of pain.

"Let's see if it hurts when I remove my hand." he told her then lifted his hands from where he placed it. Even when he removed it, Jisu was in pain.

"I think it's appendicitis." Eunhyuk said, looking at the now bed ridden, baseball wielding fighter.

"Appendicitis?" Jisu repeated.

"Your appendix." Eunhyuk answered simply.

As far as I remember it means that your appendix swells and the pain it causes moves in the middle area of the body. That's what I recall. Perks of having a medical student boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend.

"What do we do? And how do you even know?" Hyein asked from beside me.

"He should know that much. He got into medical school when we were so poor." Eunyoo said blatantly.

Hyein stayed silent after Eunyoo's short answer.

"He' s a medical student. It's natural for him to know or suspect things like that. It's quite useful, really." I added.

"What do we do?" Suyeong asked quietly, worried etched to her voice.

I would worry as well. Despite the fact that having this type of sickness is a liability at this moment, where would we even get the materials to cure something we didn't expect. Isn't monsters enough? Jisu's also a woman who has great courage and is one of the strengths of this place. Losing her would deal a big blow in this group.

"She'll be okay." Mrs. Cha comforted Suyeong.

At that time, I saw Hyunsu come into view. I stepped away from the group and went to him.

"What happened?" he asked me, trying to look at Jisu.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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