Chapter 6

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I removed my jacket and held it to my nose and tried to avoid the blood getting onto my shirt or any surface. Why am I suddenly getting a noseble-


But the only footsteps you hears was from that woman, only hers. He’s still here.

“What? Why am I suddenly getting a nosebleed?” it was now very faint but I still heard it. It was still the woman.



It’s just a coincidence.

There’s no way.

I tried removing the jacket and the bleeding has stopped but the bottom part of my face has blood all over along with my jacket. There is also a small pool of blood on his sink.

I immediately cleaned everything, wiped what I could wipe and made sure that there’s no evidence of me having a nose bleed.

I have to get out of here. I can’t let Hyunsu get hurt because of me.

I balled my jacket carefully then went out.

“Hey, I’m going to go ba-”


On the floor.

On his hands.

I went to Hyunsu and checked his arm for any open wounds.

“What the fuck is this? What did you do? Are you hurt?” I asked him fast, still checking if anything is bleeding.

“It’s nothing.” he said, swiping his hand on his face. Under his nose. “I just had a nosebleed.” he added.


Fuck fuckity fuck.

We really had to be this unlucky, huh. I thought to myself.

This definitely doesn’t look good at all. I looked at Hyunsu and his eyes were travelling everywhere, he’s anxious. His hands keep on swiping his face, making his face a bloodier mess than it aready was.

Are me and Hyunsu suffering from the same problem? If it is then life is definitely trying to fuck us up real bad. Why do we have to go through something as terrible as this.

Hyunsu is now shuffling his feet and shifting his weight on one foot to another.

I held his arms to stop him from moving. “Let’s get you cleaned up, alright?” I said carefully. I waited for him to say anything but he didn't and just nodded.

I let him go inside the bathroom first so I can put my jacket near my bag.

The sound of water was heard and I turned to look at the bathroom. The door was open so I went inside. He was just looking at his reflection, nothing more.

“Why don’t you wash your face for a start.” I suggested lightly with a small smile.

He looked at me through the reflection and turned the tap on. Hyunsu was having a difficult time washing his face because of his shaking so I went to help him.

I got a clean rag that was hanging outside and wet it. My left hand was steadying him while my right hand is wiping his face. After that, I took his hands and put it under the running water to clean them.

When we finished cleaning up, he pulled me towards his computer set.

“What’re we doing?” I asked.

“Research.” he answered curtly.

“Research what? I’m not really in the mood for some educational research at the mome-”

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