Chapter 21

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I stood by the door with a smile on my face because of Eunyoo's comment but Eunhyuk doesn't look that happy.

Hyunsu reached me and we went outside the nursery and waited for the final result since it's still eight to eight.

"What happened there? To the both of us, I mean." Hyunsu asked me.

"All I know is I can somehow call the monster or whatever it is inside us on command. I don't know how that happened, either. And it's not a nice feeling as well. It feels like I filled with an-"

"Anger, regret, rage, loneliness, darkness." Hyunsu cut me off.

"Exactly." I nodded to him.

It really was a weird feeling. The darkness surrounding me, almost suffocating me with it's grim aura but it makes me feel stronger. Indestructible. Invincible. And there's also the fast healing of whatever injury we acquire.

Hyunsu and I stood there in silence. Both thinking about what will the monster residing inside us do.

I wanted a chance to live.

But why does it have to take a literal monster to reside in me just so I can.

The door of the nursery opened and out came Eunyoo.

"Well, look at that. There's my bad bitch." Eunyoo said, teasingly.

"Shut up. We were just really annoyed at the man and to think that he's infected as well." I told her.

"Well, I don't blame you. You scared him out of his wits and he deserves it because he's been a rightful git from what I heard." Eunyoo stated.

She looked around me and saw Hyunsu standing behind me, timidly.

Hyunsu stared at her and she just gave him a sarcastic smile.

"I'll go first. Got somewhere to go." she turned around but I called out to her.

"There's literally nowhere you can go around here!" I shouted at her but she just gave me the middle finger.


"Heads up." Hyunsu nudged me and nodded towards the door.

There's a lot of voices coming towards us from inside the nursery.

"Why are you making me carry him? Can't you see that I have my hands full?" a woman said.

"Then drag him!" a man replied. It's Byeongil.

"I won't! Why won't you do it yourself!" the woman retorted with a slight shaking of her voice.

"Fine! I will! But you owe me one!" Byeongil replied.

The door opened ang Byeongil came out first. He stopped when he saw me. I noticed his scared gaze towards me so I just looked at the ground and said nothing, ashamed of myself with an unknown reason.

I get on quite well with Byeongil and we joke around from time to time when I come by to buy something but it's not the same now. Many things has changed.

Multiple whispers were omitted from different people.

I didn't raise my head until I can't hear anyone anymore.

"You can raise your head now, Nara. It's just us." someone said. Eunhyuk.

I did what he said without question but didn't look at him. My eyes went to the three people behind him.

Jisu, Jaeheon and the firefighter lady was there.

"Hey, Nara, Hyunsu." Jaeheon greeted us and I smiled a grateful smile at him.

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