Chapter 25

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We left Mr. Ahn and Yuri's unit and went to our destination. They both have earphones plugged to their phones.

I actually think that having more pairs of ears can help when alerting me when a monster is near because I've always unintentionally ignored my earphones. Probably too focused on Hyunsu, making sure to save him if needed.

I was taking the lead with Yuri while Hyunsu and Mr. Ahn guard us from behind. My nunchucks now in my hands, clutched tightly. The knife part was already out in the open, ready for any possible attacks.

"That's a very cool weapon." Yuri said to me, glancing at my nunchucks.

"You're telling me that? Yours is way cooler. I haven't seen a crossbow in my life until now." I told her with an amazed smile.

"I can teach how to use one if you like." she offered, moving beside me, looking at her right while I look at the left.

"Me?" I repeated, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I'm literally an infected and yet she's willing to teach me how to use a crossbow.

"Yeah. You haven't tried to rip out our throats ever since we met and I have this inkling feeling that you wouldn't hurt me. Us." she stated, a comforting look on her face.

I sent her a grateful smile and nodded.

Who would've thought that I'd learn how to shoot a fucking crossbow. I'm a badass in the making, I'm telling you.

"Heads up." Hyunsu whispered making us whip our head in front.

What the hell?

My hands were raised in a defensive manner while Yuri's face turned serious.

We're already on the 14th floor when we looked at the corridor.

And found nothing.

No ringing from the earphones either.

I turned to look at Hyunsu, glaring hard at him.

I pointed my nunchucks at him. "What the hell, Hyunsu?" I spat out.

He raised his arms and saw that he's scared for his life.

Yeah, he should be.

"I meant that we're near!" he stuttered, his eyes going to Mr. Ahn, asking him for help but Mr. Ahn just laughed at him.

"You couldn't have said 'Hey! We're near!', you fucking idiot?" I narrowed my eyes at him, walking to his direction but Yuri grabbed the collar of the jacket that she lent me before we left.

"Okay, kids. That's enough anger for today." she stated and made me stay put beside her but my eyes still stayed narrowed on Hyunsu's direction.

"Now, what unit did you say it was? 1408, was it?" Yuri muttered, walking forward to look at the numbers on the door and Mr. Ahn followed her.

When Yuri was out of earshot, I kicked Hyunsu's shin making him jump up and down on one leg.

"That's what you get." I said and turned back but he managed to grab my arm, pulling me towards him.

He managed to flick me on my forehead and I gave him a headbutt making him groan in pain.

"What's that ruckus!" we heard Mr. Ahn say a few feet from us.

"Nothing!" Hyunsu and I answered back.

We went towards them still glaring at each other.

"1408. This is it right?" Yuri questioned, not noticing how Hyunsu and I are staring daggers at each other.

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