Chapter 11

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We stepped outside and walked to the stairs quietly. My nunchucks in my hand, both pointer fingers on each edge, ready to press the buttons for the knifes to come out incase someone or something attacks us out of nowhere.

So far, so good.

I went downstairs and Hyunsu just right behind me, spear grasped in his hands.

While walking down the hallway a floor below of where we just came from, I just realized that we literally had no plan, we just barged out here.

But it’s better than not doing anything.

Hyunsu walked forward a double door made of metal and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. H even tried rattling the doorknob, hoping it would open but it didn’t.

I went forward and glanced behind to make sure Hyunsu followed.

“I’d get the knife part out, if I were you.” Hyunsu whispered to me.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” I whispered back, slightly agitated.

Hyunsu was going about to retort back when he a terrified expression overcame his face.


Before I could finish the word, he pulled me towards the open but stuck elevator. It hasn’t fully reached the whole floor so it can still cover us when we lie down but Hyunsu pushed me against the door that was stopped midway of closing.

When I got my balance, Hyunsu put his finger against his lips, telling me to keep my mouth shout.

I gave him a questioning expression to which he mouthed ‘monster’


I just noticed the ringing the earphone I was wearing was making.

I pushed myself closer to the wall, making sure that I’m hidden enough and pushed the button on both ends of the nunchucks, kinfe popping out.

Sweat started dripping from my forehead down my face, anxiety rising to the roof.

While sitting tensely and quietly, I had to push the vomit that was about to come out of my mouth hard because of the smell that surrounded the inside of the elevator.

It’s smell of something rotten and disgusting was everywhere, tears clouding my vision but despite that, I stayed still. I’d rather pick this smell than get mauled by monsters.

I can hear heavy shuffling coming closer. I dare not to peek outside because it might be the last thing I do.


I was back inside the security room where I can see all the cctv footages. I scanned every monitor, trying to find a threat that would come close here.

I passed by one monitor that has a cctv camera in one of the elevators in this building that has two dead bodies laying inside, but that wasn’t the reason why I was staring at it, almost not breathing.

I know that person.


That’s my girlfri-

Ex girlfriend.

Bae Nara.

I was shaking but before I could even react, the two bodies started moving.

They’re alive.

She’s alive.

I’ve been worrying about her and Eunyoo and now that I saw that she’s okay, a small weight was lifted from my shoulders.

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