Chapter 17

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With our earphones connected to an open call, we knew that there were no monsters lurking around near us so we walked, just walked but with our guards up.

Small talk was made and it was mostly between Jaeheon and Jisu and they would sometimes include Hyunsu.

They tried talking to me but my answers were so short that they just didn’t ask me anything.

The only time that I would talk is when I would suggest where we should go next.

Jaeheon and Jisu asked if we could use the elevator but Hyunsu and I shook our heads and told them that the elevator stopped working already so we decided to use the stairs and since we’re at the 14th floor, we decided to move swiftly.

I was too focused on the thought about how Eunhyuk can say that the first floor was safe and worried about the people that we left in 1408.

“Are you going to be fine?” Hyunsu asked when Jaeheon and Jisu told us to stop for a breather.

“Yeah.” I answered shortly.

“Why do I find that hard to believe.” he told me.

I played with my nunchucks and said nothing because what he said is right. Even I find it hard to believe that I’m going to be fine.

“He’s your ex boyfri-”

“Him being my ex has nothing to do with this. I’m just worried about Mr. Han and the others.” I cut him off. “My past with Eunhyuk isn’t the priority at the moment.” I added with a sigh.

I grabbed my hair tie and pulled it off from my hair, retying it.

“So he’s your boyfriend.” Jisu walked towards Hyunsu and I, leaving Jaeheon as look out.

“You heard us?” I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

“The both of you weren’t really trying to be quiet.” Jisu stated with a smirk.

“That sounded so wrong in so many ways.” Hyunsu muttered by himself but Jisu and I heard him.

What’s so wrong with what Jisu sai-

I hit Hyunsu at the back of the head when I figured out what he meant while Jisu gave out a snort of laughter.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, will you?” I said while rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, what’s wrong is what you thought.” Jisu pointed at him still laughing.

“Shh!” Jaeheon suddenly whispered at us making as all freeze.

I instantly pressed the buttons on my nunchucks for the knife to come out, Hyunsu held his spear tight and Jisu held bat up high.

But we didn’t hear anything, no footsteps or ringing from the earphones.

The three of us remained in that position for a few seconds until Jisu dropped her arms from her defensive stand and glared at Jaeheon.

“What the heck was that for?” Jisu demanded, striding towards him.

Jaeheon held up his hands and said, “I can’t focus.”

Hyunsu and I just watch them argue back and forth with raised eyebrows.

“I bet you anything that they’d end up together.” I whispered to Hyunsu.

“You think?” Hyunsu looked at me, confused.

“I know so.” I said smugly then walked towards them.

“Okay, that’s enough lovers quarrel, you two! We have to go to the first floor, remember?” I told them with a grin.

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