Chapter 20

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Hyunsu and I stayed by the door and listened at the conversation.

There were at least more than 10 people inside the meeting place.

I saw Eunyoo standing near us, face clean already and listening in as well. She caught my eye and she pointed at her ears, telling me to just listen.

Someone was also near us but I already know who it is just by how he’s crouching on the table, looking for something. Eunhyuk also has a tissue box next to him and a couple of red pencils.

What is he doing? I thought curiously, trying to crane my head to see what’s he making but before I could see, he straightened up and I whipped my head forward so he won’t notice that I was looking at him but unfortunately, I hit my head on the door frame.

I didn’t make a loud noise but there was definitely pain, making me hiss on the impact.

Since Eunyoo and Eunhyuk were close to where Hyunsu and I are, they saw what happened.

Hyunsu looked at me and was trying not to laugh but failed and Eunyoo was openly chuckling at me.

I rubbed my forehead, hoping for the pain to decrease a bit but too slowly for my liking.

I really had to hit my head right now?

Someone tilted my head upwards and saw that it was Eunhyuk.

He was looking at my forehead with his still cold stare.

“Grab that ice cold water, beside you.” he pointed at the bottle next to Eunyoo.

Eunyoo looked at it and grabbed it, throwing it at Hyunsu who caught it. Clumsily. Again.

Hyunsu was about to put it against my forehead but Eunhyuk grabbed it from him.

I just stood there, letting it happen.

There’s nothing wrong with what Eunhyuk is doing, he’s a med student so it’s only natural to trust him with injuries like this.

He held the ice cold bottle against the angry red blotch on my forehead which made me hiss a bit.

“This will help.” he told me quietly.

“It’s for everyone’s safety!”a huge shout from inside, and it seems like it came from the man who just pointed a cutter on my neck.

Eunyoo and Hyunsu looked at the direction of the sound.

Eunhyuk sighed and grabbed my one of my wrists for the second time. He gave me the bottle and pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket, “Wrap this around the bottle and put it against you forehead.” he said and turned away with a heavy sigh.

My eyes just followed him.

“Hey heart eyes. Look at your best friend.” Hyunsu whispered next to me, snapping me out of my trance.

Stupid Lee Eunhyuk.

I looked at Eunyoo and she was making faces at me, mocking me with my interaction with her brother just now.

I narrowed her eyes at her, warning her to stop but she just stuck her tongue out at me.

Hyunsu chuckled beside me and I elbowed him on the stomach hard, making him groan in pain.

“Here.” Eunhyuk said when he reached the table placed at the front.

The people inside looked at him in silence and I did too, waiting for his next move.

He’s always been like that, calculated and specific.

“What is that?” an annoying voice said.

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