Chapter 12

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We were walking quietly along the hallway quietly. I was in the back and Hyunsu was in the front. The children are between the both of us, securing them in a tight formation.

My earphones hasn’t made any sound yet so I’m not too worried but it still doesn’t hurt to be careful so I pushed the buttons on my weapon and the knife popped back, dirt and grime covering it.

Hyunsu went to my side while he let the children walk in front but not too far. We’d get a signal from the earphones if a monster is near.

We walked silently besides each other, one pair of eyes on the children and one roaming the surroundings.

It was quiet and eerily peaceful.

Hyunsu suddenly gasped and looked forward but almost like unseeing.

He held tight on his spear, using it as support to stay standing up.

“Hyunsu! What’s wrong?!” I asked surprised.

I was crouching to him, trying to help him stand straight.

He’s now holding onto me as support as well.

The children turned around to look at us and they rushed to our direction.

“What’s wrong?” the girl asked, still shaken up.

“It’s okay, he’s just needs a breather.” I told them with a slight smile.

I turned to look at my friend who jerked away from me and stood against the metal door.

“Hey! What are you doi-”

Don’t make me laugh.

Who do you think you’re kidding?

You’re going to save and protect these children?

You can barely save yourself!

You’re telling a pretty big lie that will lead to those brats’ death and your hopeless friend.

And you’re going to suffer for it because it’s your fault.

Everything is going to be your fault.

Why do you have that look on your face?

Are you scared seeing yourself say things like these?

This is who you really are.

Why can't you accept that.

Everything is your fault.

… you okay? There’s blood coming out of your nose!” I heard one of the children said but I can’t seem to snap out of whatever I’m in.

You’re going to be the reason why everyone around you is going to die.

Everyone will disappear.

You will be left alone.

I will become you.

“... away from us.” Hyunsu said.

I can still feel him near me but I have no idea where.

My mind is hazy and I don’t have any idea what’s happening right now.

The children are probably still here, watching us collapse with blood pouring out of our no-



They have to get away .

From Hyunsu and I.

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