Chapter 32

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"You both got it?" Eunhyuk asked us for the last time, his face emotionless and mine furious.

If you think that we're putting on a facade in front of others so they won't know that Eunhyuk and I are back together then you're wrong because I'm genuinely furious at him right now.

Hyunsu and I were about to go on the daily run upstairs when Eunhyuk told us that him and the others will be trying out a drill when a monster was able to come in the perimeter and I said it was okay.

He also told us a set of rules:

1. Move in groups of two or more.

2. Eat once a day.

3. Check everyone's temperature every night at 8PM.

4. Quarantine the infected.

When he said the last one, I wasn't surprised at all. Even if Eunhyuk and get together or not, I'm still an infected and will always be.

Guess I'll be sleeping in that arcade again.

Then he suddenly gave us a long list, telling us that we have to go back to top for more supplies that he forgot to tell us which makes it even more dangerous because of the alarms we already placed. There might be an incident where we accidentally trigger the bell and attract monsters and make things worse.

I expected him to understand my logic but this bastard just shrugged his shoulder and said, "You've already got the hang of it when you put up those alarm, might as well get the hang of it going through them."

After that, I clenched my fist tight. I was so angered that he can shrug off our well being. MY well being.

"Yeah. You don't need to tell us anymore." Hyunsu said, not really in a good mood as well.

Eunhyuk nodded and Hyunsu stood up, "I'll wait for you by the door." he told me then walked out.

When he was gone, I rounded on Eunhyuk who has a list of paper in his hands that was outstretched towards me.

"This is the list of the things in case you forge-"

"Are fucking kidding me right now?" I cut him off, looking at him fiercely.

"I forgot about other stuf-"

"And you had the nerve to keep reminding us to not forget everything?!" I retorted, absolutely pissed at him.

"That's why I wrote it down!" he reasoned out.

"You couldn't have written it down before we could even start going on runs?!" I snapped at him.

"You don't know how much more dangerous on the floors we already finished putting alarms on. Monsters could hear them and come for us!" I added.

Eunhyuk tried to open his mouth but I didn't let him say anything because I snatched the paper from his hand and walked out.

He doesn't get the fact that even though we're different we can still get badly hurt. Does me fainting not ring a bell?

When I walked out, I saw Hyunsu.

"I thought you'll wait for me by the door?" I asked, suddenly confused.

"Someone asked me if we could get something for her." he answered.

"And what did you say?" I inquired.

"I said yes. I had no choice." he sighed, leaning his head on the wall.

"We don't really get to have choices especially now." I replied, pulling him from his position and pulled him with me so we can start on the run.

The bags and weapons were with Hyunsu and I took mine and and extra bag from him to lessen the weight at least.

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