Chapter 26

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"We're here to bring all of you on the first floor. It's safer than being in here." I told Mr. Han.

"There's nowhere in this world that we can call safe. We're all prone to danger." Mr. Ahn said, sitting on the bed, taking a short rest before we go down.

"And that Eunhyuk guy made any means possible for people to be able to live down there right?" Mr. Han questioned Hyunsu and I.

"Well, there's another reason why he made us come here. The barriers at the front wouldn't stand against an attack and they've always worried about that. I guess Eunhyuk saw our weapon and probably Jaeheon's shield and got curious." I explained.

"And he wants me to do it?" Mr. Han asked with raised eyebrows.

Hyunsu and I nodded and we just heard a sigh.

"Fine. I will agree to going downstairs but we'll bring the children." Mr. Ahn demanded.

"Of course. That's not even an issue, Mr. Han." I smiled then turned to the children. "Go pack what you want to bring then we'll go, okay?" I instructed them.

The both of them nodded and straightened up.

I noticed that Hyunsu was looking at me with a troubled expression so I went towards him.

"Is something the matter?" I inquired, genuinely concerned but he shook his head and smiled.

A forced smile but I let it slide.

He'll tell me when he wants to.

"We've got everything we want to bring!" Yeongsu exclaimed.

I looked at their hands and saw that he's holding a toy dinosaur.

"I'm pretty sure the nursery at where we're going has more toys." I told him, rubbing his head.

Mr. Han also has a bag full of tools and equipment. His cannon, on his lap as well.

"Ready to go?" Hyunsu asked everyone.

Mr. Ahn stood up and stood behind Mr. Han's wheelchair but Hyunsu already beat him to it.

"I can handle him, Mr. Ahn. Besides, Yuri looks like she'll shed blood before you can try and overwork yourself." Hyunsu said to him.

"I'll take the front, while Yuri and Mr. Ahn take the back. The others will be in the middle. We'll take the elevator to get downstairs." I instructed and pushed the button on my weapon.

"The elevator still works?" Mr. Ahn asked.

I nodded at him.

When we were battling the 2 headed monster, I remember catching a glimpse of the elevator that was still working.

I put my earphones on my ear and listened.

There was still ringing because of the lady in the bathroom but it's not getting louder so it's safe to go outside.

I went to the door and opened it slowly, looking left and right down the corridor to check.

"Clear." I stated, holding the door open for them to go outside.

Once everyone were outside, I closed the door with a small sound.

Thanks for the short sense of safety.

I jogged to the front and led them to the elevator which was thankfully only a few feet away, not even glancing at my own unit.

Whatever is inside is in the past now. We're not living in comfort now that monsters are everywhere killing off humans.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukWhere stories live. Discover now