Chapter 5

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My whole body feels so heavy and it's not the kind of heavy where I just used my whole body for a tournament. It's kind of like a heavy type where I passed out because we were about to be eaten and killed by our lovely neighbor who liked her cat so much to the point she consumed i-

I shot up immediately. That's literally what happened.

Because of getting up so fast, my head burst in pain and when I opened my eyes, I can barely see because everything was hazy. My hands automatically going to my neck.

"Hey hey. Don't get up yet." someone said beside me and was trying to put me back down.

I shrugged off whoever that was and grabbed my head, trying to at least steady my vision.

My legs were wobbly when I tried to stand up and but I can see more clearly.

"What happened?" I said when I finally got to steady myself and clear my vision.

I was back in Hyunsu's unit and his bed was unmade, probably where I got up from.

"You fainted." he answered, sitting cross-legged on his bed.

I sighed and was trying to remember everything before I got knocked out by my stupid capacity of danger senses.

I can remember the loud music.

"What happened to the woman that was outside? What about the one where the music came from? Is that person okay? Please tell me tha-"

"Can you please calm down, Nara?" Hyunsu told me.

He was also rubbing his eyes over and over again. He looks tired but there was still slight shaking coming from him.

I went to sit besides him and waited for him to answer.

"She's okay." he said.

"She? She's okay? She was literally trying to get in and was in it for the blood or meat or whatever she's craving for her monthl-"

"No, Nara. I meant the person who was playing loud music a while ago." he sighed.

"Oh. Well, what about Ms. Bloody Mary?" I asked again.

"She disappeared." he told me.

That doesn't make me feel any better at all. I'd feel better if I know where that monster is rather than not knowing. Who knows where it was lurking in. For all we know, it could be somewhere in the building, bidding it's time to pounce and grab a lunch.

"And the person we saw the moment we went out?" I asked him again.

"He was the one who said that he didn't see any woman on his way downstairs. He's also the one who brought the girl here." he told me.

I looked at him questioningly.

"The one who's playing the loud music, Nara." he sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.

He looks so tired. I can't blame him either. That monstrous thing definitely isn't the only one there is.

"Wait. You said the girl was brought here? Where is she now?" I inquired.

"She went back to her place a few hours before you woke up. She said she can't stand around here and do nothing." he answered.

At least she has some guts.

My wrist was suddenly grabbed

I looked at Hyunsu who was holding my wrist.

"You were grabbing your... uhm..." he pointed at my neck and I was about to raise my other hand to it when he grabbed it again.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukWhere stories live. Discover now