Chapter 19

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“You mean he’s you-”

“You’re both fine.” Eunhyuk cut Hyunsu off and said to the both of us but his eyes stayed on mine.

I stared back.

If what Eunyoo just said was true then there’s a fat chance that I won’t like what’s going to come out of his mouth.

But that doesn’t make me stare at him longingly.

He’s wearing a faded gray shirt and pants. His glasses seated on his nose and his hair, slightly looking disheveled.

My eyes were blinking but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of him.

Just looking at him tells me that he won’t be easy to talk to anymore, and also add the fact that I broke up with him a few months ago.

I actually managed to avoid him and just see him a few times before I dash up to my room but now that we’re in the same room while the world is ending doesn’t give off the same vibe that I used to feel when I’m with him.

It’s tense.

“Looks like it.” I answered him when he raised his eyebrows at him.

Hyunsu is now looking at Eunhyuk carefully.

He knows who we’re talking to and even though he doesn’t know what went down between Eunhyuk and I, he’ll jump in the conversation just to stop what might get ugly and defend me.

But I don’t need him for that. I know what I did and I had to do it even if it makes me feel like a horrible person.

Eunhyuk took his eyes off of me and looked at Hyunsu, “The two of you fell from the 9th floor and woke up in 3 hours.” he said, his voice and expression blank, “Maybe the golden hour save you and your friend.” he added, looking at me once more.

“Golden hour?” Hyunsu repeated questioningly.

If he’s talking to us right now, might as well get answers that we couldn’t obtain while we were at the 14th floor.

“Golden hour means the first few hours of an accident or injury which is a time for a surgery or treatment to happen for a higher rate of successful treatment, Hyunsu.” I answered his question.

I managed to catch a glimpse of shocked look on Eunhyuk’s face before I dropped my head to face the ground.

I’ve heard Eunhyuk mutter about it a few times whenever we study together and I just unknowingly picked the information up.

Hyunsu shuffled closer to me and touched the bandage like cloth that was wrapped around my head.

“She’s right. That’s what the golden hour mean but isn’t it ironic? The golden hour used to mean the hour to save someone. Now it means the only possible period of time to destroy someone. Someone different.” Eunhyuk told us, staring at Hyunsu then to me. His stare quite unnerving and guarded.

Destroy someone?

I raised my head to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

“What are you getting at?” I asked him, quite annoyed but he didn’t give me an answer instead he asked how we feel right now.

I let Hyunsu answer for the both of us while I just looked at Eunhyuk with a hard glare.

Hyunsu touched the back of his head and when he looked at his hand, there was blood but not too much.

Eunyoo did say that we were bleeding a lot but has now stopped.

“I think we’re okay.” Hyunsu replied.

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