Chapter 13

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Hyunsu and I were almost dragged into an apartment, well Hyunsu was dragged, not me.

I was let down on the ground near the girl who helped me walk was making sure that I was okay but when I looked at her, she visibly backed away with uncertain eyes.

At that moment I felt every pain possible, like there were a lot of broken bones inside me and I couldn’t breathe properly.

My lungs was constricting painfully but that all happened for a solid ten seconds. After that, the pain slowly faded away.

“Thank you.” I told her.

She’s a very pretty girl, with pink colored streaks on her hair which makes her look even more badass if I do say so myself.

The girl was holding a metal bat which she probably uses as her weapon.

I looked around and saw that we’re in a messy unit and Hyunsu was being checked all over by another person, a man.

He’s wearing glasses and a button up shirt with sleeves rolled up until his elbows.

“Hyunsu.” I tried to get up and walk towards my friend.

Keyword, tried

The second I got up, I was tumbling down on the floor, the girl rushing towards me once more to help me.

The terrified expression she gave me was gone and it was replaced with a kind look.

She helped me go to Hyunsu and when I did, I had no time to register what happened.

Hyunsu took me from the girl and checked himself if there were anything broken. He’s also blocking my neck part, knowing that I’ll grab it any second now.

He already knows me like the back of his hand

I nod my head as thanks to him, not bothering to check if he have injuries present right now. If he could move frantically like what he’s doing right now, I’m pretty sure that he’s okay.

My strength has now flowed back into me and I slowly stood up, the girl assisting me to which I smiled gratefully.

But there are still more pressing matters to attend to.

“Hyunsu, the kids.” I reminded my friend with a troubled and worried expression.

We might have escaped a close call from the protein monster and the children were able to get away but who knows what they might encounter.

Hyunsu was about to get up but the the girl suddenly pointed the bat she’s holding to his face.

“You’re infected, aren’t you? Both of you?” she pointed to me as well. Gone was the kind expression she had and was taken over by a guarded one. “You’re noses are bleeding and you both fainted as well.” her bat was changing it’s direction from me to Hyunsu.

I just now noticed that Hyunsu’s face was indeed covered with almost dried blood, obviously coming from his nose and so am I.

“You’re the one who wanted to save them.” the man who dragged Hyunsu said.

“Are you sure they won’t turn?” the girl said, still pointing her bat at Hyunsu and I.

“I’m sure crushing their heads in right now is not the will of God.” the man told her then turned to us.

I got a good look at him and recognition was plastered on my face.

I know him.

He’s the Korean language teacher.

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