Chapter 37

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"Both of you go wash up for a bit. Clean your face and stuff." Jaeheon said once the others have left.

"Yeah, we'll do that." I agreed and tried walking towards the direction of the bathroom but the moment I stopped using the wall as support, my knees buckled up and I went crashing to the floor.

"Nara!" Hyunsu exclaimed, kneeling next to me.

Eunyoo also rushed to my aid with Jisu on her side.

"That's what I keep telling you! You exert too much for other people that you forget to look at how it's damaging you." Eunyoo went on.

"Yeah, I get you." I replied weakly.

The strength I had left were basically zero and I can barely move with all these injuries.

"She needs to rest first. Her and Hyunsu." Jisu told the others.

"I'd help you carry them but my arm is in a state where if I try lifting anything, it would practically fall off." Jaeheon stated.

I looked up at his state and saw that he's supporting his right arm with his left.

"I'll do it." Jisu offered but I shook my head.

"You need rest just as much as I do." I stared at her.

Her state when they went to rescue Hyunsu and I were really weak and there's probably something that she's hiding from others. Her complexion is getting paler by the hour and that's never a good sign for everyone.

"It's better if you both come with me so I can work on your injuries." Yuri came in and said, looking at Jisu and Jaeheon.

"I just need some rest." Jisu declined and walked away.

Eunyoo who didn't even look behind her, kept on looking me over and after she's satisfied, she turned to Hyunsu.

"You can stand right?" Eunyoo asked Hyunsu who's beside me.

He nodded meekly, trying not to meet her eyes.

Is this really the time to get shy?

"I can help you make your way through somewhere where you can take a rest. Nara has to be carried though since she can't stand." she continued.

I tried to protest and say that I can manage myself but she turned me down by glaring at me.

"I can do it." Eunhyuk said, still standing a few feet away, his hands inside his pocket.

"That's settled." Eunyoo stated and stood up.

"Where's Sangwook?" I asked, hoping that Eunyoo would get the message that I don't want to be near Eunhyuk at the moment.

"He's somewhere having a smoke." she answered, frowning her eyebrows at me.

Shit! She doesn't know yet.

"Get over here." Eunyoo ordered Eunhyuk who complied.

I had no choice and let him carry me.

Out of habit, I put my arms around his neck and since I don't want to feel embarrassed by suddenly pulling it away, I kept it there.

"Just put your arms on my shoulder!" Eunyoo shouted at Hyunsu who kept insisting that he can manage himself.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere until you let me assist you and that goes for Nara as well so if you want her to rest up, I suggest that you just do what I say!" Eunyoo exclaimed but Hyunsu shook his head and tried walking past her but with his weakened state he won't even walk longer than 10 seconds.

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