Chapter 15

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After I splashed my face one more time in the bathroom, I got out and let the lady go inside.

Once I got inside, everyone turned to my direction but I noticed their stare.

I’m pretty sure they weren’t talking about me before I walked out of the bathroom but it’s probably because of my neck.

“I tried before. Failed.” I told them.

I walked by where Hyunsu’s seated and intentionally kicked him hard.

“Ouch! What was that for?!” he asked, clutching his leg where I kicked him.

“What was that for?” I mocked him making him look at me in disbelief.

I heard the children laugh lightly and I gave them a smile.

My weapon was beside Jisu, examining it.

I went towards her and started small talk.

“Pretty cool, huh.” I said.

“Yeah, it is.” she answered shortly.

I noticed her scoot a bit away from me and let her. I don’t really blame her, she saw the monster me.

She opened her mouth and closed it, as if she wants to say something.

Maybe sitting beside her wasn’t a good idea.

I was about to stand up, but she spoke, “You’re not craving to slash everything you see right now, are you? Or craving to kill everyone?”

I know where she’s getting at but it’s totally understandable. She’s just wants to make sure that wherever she is, she’s safe.

“Nope.” I said to her.

We sat in silence for a seconds when she scooted back closer.

“So can you tell me how your weapon works? I caught a glimpse of it before and it looks awesome.” she asked me, handing me the nunchucks.

I gently took it from her and showed her the buttons at the side, “These are the buttons that has to be pushed for the knife part to come out.”

I stretched my arms away from us and pushed the button. There was a quick whoosh sound and the knife popped out.

“And when I stab it on something, it emits this strong, blue electricity that stops the monster’s movements momentarily, I think? I’ve only tried this on one monster and that’s what happened.” I explained to her.

“And how does the knife part go back?” she asked, looking intently at my weapon.

“It automatically goes back in, but when it doesn’t I just push the buttons again” I answered.

I handed it to her and she turned it over and over in her hands carefully.

She pushed the buttons and the knife part went back in.

“That’ really cool.” she said, amazed.

“You can ask Mr. Han to upgrade your weapons. I can talk to him if you like?” I told her but she shook her head and said that it’s okay.

There was a sound of door opening and we looked up to see the lady come out of the bathroom. Her face clean and no sign of blood. She smiled at us and went back to the children.

Hyunsu should be the one going next but I saw him sleeping.

I found a small ball of cloth and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face.

He woke up with a shout, grabbing his spear and eyes wide.

“What happened?” he said, whipping his head everywhere but his eyes landed on me.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukWhere stories live. Discover now