Chapter 29

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After sleeping for a few more hours, I decided to finally wake up. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes.

The nightmares keeps on waking me up so might as well not sleep.

I stood up quietly to not wake Hyunsu up accidentally.

I exercised for a bit when I noticed something by the door.

Walking towards it, I finally saw that there's three water bottles.

"Three?" I whispered to myself.

As far as I remember, there's four of us in here. Me, Hyunsu, the old man, and that creepy guy.

I looked around and saw that the last guy who came in here isn't present at all.

I picked the bottles up then put two on the mattress, beside Hyunsu. I also put the last one by the sofa where the old man was sleeping.

There was a groan from behind me and saw that it was Hyunsu. He sat up and just stayed in that position, not even opening his eyes.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." I lightly flicked his forehead.

When he opened his eyes to look at me, I opened one of the bottles and gave it to him.

"Where did this come from?" he asked.

"Don't know, I woke up and saw that it was by the door." I answered then went to sit beside him, taking a small sip from my water.

Hyunsu drank his and let out a grateful sigh. He closed the bottle then suddenly turned to look at me.

I didn't mind him and just continued to sip my small amounts of water.

All of a sudden, Hyunsu leaned closer and sniffed me.

I reclined from him and gave him a look.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You smell nice and you're wearing different clothes." he commented and went back to his position.

"I passed by Eunyoo when I went to go to the bathroom a few hours ago. She made me take a bath. " I explained to him, screwing the cap on the bottle.

"No one was outside guarding when you went out?" he inquired, standing up to stretch his limbs.

"Eunhyuk was there. He accompanied me to the bathroom." I replied, suddenly remembering what happened.

The kiss and all.

"Are you sure what he did was 'accompany' you? Because I've seen that flannel on Eunhyuk and also you're turning quite red." Hyunsu said, peering at me.

I let my hair down to cover my face discreetly.

"It's just a bit hot here." I reasoned out.

"You're not fooling anyone, it's freezing in here." Hyunsu started teasing.

"Don't tell me you're back together?" he inquired, a small smile plastered on his face.

Back together?

Are we?

All those times that they called me his girlfriend, he didn't say anything about it and just let it be.

But we didn't talk about it at all. We just kissed.

That doesn't mean that we're together again.

Besides, there's a whole lot of difference between us now.

I'm infected.

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