Chapter 16

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“Eunhyuk? Who’s Eunhyuk? What’s an Eunhyuk?” Mr. Han asked but I no one answered him. The children getting curious as well.

I remained frozen from where I’m standing, Hyunsu waiting for my reaction.

“Isn’t he yo-”

“A friend. He’s a friend of mine.” I cut Jaeheon off.

With the world coming to an end there’s no need for people to know who he is or who he was in my life.

This was the first time I heard his voice clearly in months. I hear a few mumbling whenever I’m talking to Eunyoo, my best friend and his sister.

But now that I know he’s okay, it made me feel relieved and I know for a fact that if he’s okay then so is Eunyoo.

Even if she’s a bit of a spawn of rudeness and bitchiness, she has a heart of gold, she just grew up surrounded by the wrong people.

“Are we going to the first floor?” Suyeong asked, holding her little brother beside her.

Mr. Han, Hyunsu, Jaeheon and Jisu all looked at me.

Are we going to the first floor? Where there’s a possibility of safety? But with Hyunsu and I who are infected? People will panic and they’ll lose all hope if they knew what Hyunsu and I are. But these people right here, they deserve that promised safety even if it sounds off.

“How about I’ll just check if it’s really safe down there before we all go.” I suggested.

It’s better to travel in small groups or just one and with weapons.

“I suppose that sounds logical and rational.” Mr. Han replied nodding.

“I'll be going.” I added, while looking at him.

He stared looked at me with wide eyes.

I noticed that he was scared when we were out there, fighting the monster and to be honest I am too but Hyunsu has faced too much in my opinion. He has to at least rest.

With our condition, it’s better if those that’s considered as a danger go first.

“Not happening.” Jaeheon stated while Jisu stepped forward, “I know that you are kind of special but with three pair of hands, there’s a higher chance that we’ll get there safely.” she said.


I am far from special.

“I don’t think so. It’s a 50-50 chance. Either we get there safe with a few casualties or we lose someone.” I told her.

I can’t risk anyone else and find themselves facing death in the eye.

“Try to be optimistic, Nara. We can help each other more. More pair of eyes and helping hands.” Jaeheon tried persuading me.

We talked back and forth until it turned into a slight argument before Mr. Han had to stop us.

“Jaeheon and Jisu’s right, Nara. You might need help.” he said making Jisu turn at me but before she could open her mouth Mr. Han cut her off, “but I will only let the both of you go with her if you give me a little bit of time upgrade or give you weapons to use.” Mr. Han stated, looking at the four of us.

I gave a sigh of defeat and sat back down on the floor.

It’s a good thing that they didn’t question me about not including Hyunsu at first.

I even avoided his stare the whole time that we were arguing.

“Fine.” I simply said.

“Give me your bat, Jisu. As for you Jaeheon, I’ll just make you something.” Mr. Han told them but I wasn’t listening.

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