Chapter 38

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"Hey, Nara." Hyunsu called out to me after I just woke up from a short nap.

Eunyoo and Eunhyuk let us stay in a random room where we can rest and left. They also told us that food will be served in an hour or so. Our weapons are kept in with Mr. Han.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked him, sitting up and looking at my friend groggily.

"Are you okay?" Hyunsu seriously asked.

When I looked at him, he's staring back at me with an expression of worry.

"I'm fine. I'm all healed up." I smiled at him and rolled my shoulders as proof.

"That's not what I'm talking about." he replied, sighing and ruffling his hair with his hand.

Of course I knew what he meant but instead of feeling sorry for myself and dejected, I felt at ease.

"Honestly, I'm good." I stated, gazing at Hyunsu who didn't look like he agrees.

"Are you sure?" he questioned more.

I sighed and went to his direction.

"We had a small talk an cleared everything up." I answered while hitting him on the back of his neck making him complain.

Everything went silent and I just let it happen, Hyunsu looking at the ground and fiddling with his hands while I keep on staring at nothing.

It feels good to have a peaceful time like this.

"A monster is a monster." Hyunsu all of a sudden said.

I looked at him questioningly.

"He kind of has a point there." he continued and I nodded.

"Everything that comes out of his mouth turns out to be right." I chuckled at the memory of him always spitting out facts that doesn't sound like it.

"And you're okay with that reason of why he broke up with you?" Hyunsu inquired.

I didn't answer immediately and just remembered Eunhyuk and I's conversation about how it was the right thing to do.

"Yeah, I am. I understand why he did that. It hurts, most definitely yes but it just won't work." I told him, leaning back on the wall.

"Besides, whether we like it or not, it's the truth. We're monsters, not the same like those blood thirsty ones, but still monsters and everyone will forever be scared and cautious around us." I added.

Hyunsu looked down and nodded a few seconds after.

"At least I have you with me." Hyunsu muttered making me smile at him.

"What an unfortunate turn of events." I sighed, teasing him.

"Hey! You're being mean again!" he exclaimed.

I burst out in laughter because of his reaction. He frowned his face and tried pushing me away.

"Food's ready in the super market if you two wants to eat." someone said by the door.

I saw Sangwook looking at us with his bland expression on his face.

"Yeah, thanks teddy." I answered him before I could even stop myself.

"Teddy?" Sangwook looked confused at my words but let it go because he shook his head then walked away.

"Teddy? What the hell was that?" Hyunsu asked.

"What? I didn't know his name and I had to call him something. I can't keep calling him 'gangster' inside my head." I reasoned out.

Hyunsu shook his head at me and stood up.

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