Chapter 34

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"Where the fuck am I?" I muttered when I opened my eyes and saw my surroundings.

Everything around me was dark. Cold. Sinister.

I feel familiar with the place but I don't like it one bit.

"You know this place quite well." A voice said from behind me.

I immediately stood up, grabbed my weapon and faced the person.

What I saw gave me chills and made me shudder in fear.


I'm seeing myself.

"This place is where you belong since you've created this space." the other me said, walking closer.

It's wearing the same clothes I do. Even Eunhyuk's flannel which made me mad.

"What are you?" I snapped at it.

"What am I? Why aren't you asking who I am? Is it because you know that I'm you?" it laughed in a sinister way.

"You're not me or part of me." I scoffed, standing still but hands ready to push the button on my nunchucks and strike.

"Stop lying to yourself. I'll eventually come out of this place and take over you and kill every single person here." it stated, taunting me with its smile that looks like mine but so much different at the same time. "Unless they kill you first that is." it added.

"No, you won't. You don't control me, you obey me. I call to you when I need it, not the other way around. So fuck off you down graded version of me." I spat and lurched at it.

But when I made contact, I didn't feel it's body. It's like there's a glass between us and the other me was part of the glass. It's face cracked but still smiled devilishly.

"You can't escape from me." it whispered.

"I don't need to because you're going to be stuck here." I answered and stabbed it for the second time.

The last thing I saw was it's head cocking to the side and giving me a glare that would kill me if I look at it long enough.

"Stop moving, I'm trying to read here." someone complained.

"Why would you lean against someone who's asleep?" I retorted, pushing Eunyoo off of me lightly.

"What? You're the most comfortable furniture around here." Eunyoo replied nonchalantly.

"Go sit on that chair." I told her and pointed at the vacant chair.

"You're always grumpy when you wake up." she commented then stood up and went to the chair I pointed.

I sat up and stretched a bit.

"Catch." Eunyoo suddenly said.

But with me just waking up and still confused by what I just witnessed in my dream or whatever the hell that is, got hit by the nunchucks she threw me.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead.

"Shit! Sorry!" Eunyoo apologized and went to me.

She pulled my arm from my face and tried to look at it herself.

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