Chapter 3

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I woke up with a start when I heard what looks like rummaging and looked around my place, thinking that someone was robbing me but calmed down when I saw no one.

"What the hell was that?" I asked to myself.

It was getting dark when I woke up so I checked my phone for the time and it was almost 6 in the evening.

A minute passed when I noticed that the sound of rummaging that woke me up is still there, almost like in front of my door and suddenly remembering the weird bahavior of the guard earlier made my blood run cold.

What if he's back? I thought to myself fearfully.

"I learned taekwondo for 9 years and I'm scared of a security guard who looked lanky."

The sound of rummaging stopped and a scuffle of a pair of footsteps faded away.

I calmed down and decided to take a short shower because I have to go to my friend's house for some kind of group project that was due next week. It's hard being the brain of the class and aware of being used.

I laughed quietly then entered the bathroom for that long awaited short shower.

After 15 minutes, I got out of the shower, hair still wet but already dressed. I wore a simple skinny set of jeans and tirtleneck. I also added a thin jacket because the weather can be moody as hell and get either too hot or too cold from time to time.

I got my bag and put my phone, earphones and notes along with two bottles of water and fruit bars in it.

"I think I got everything." I murmured to myself.

I opened my door and got out the same time the new comer came out. His face finally seen but that isn't the reason why I was staring at him and why he's staring at me.

I know him.

"Cha Hyunsu?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Bae Nara." he said my name. It's him. It's been a few weeks since I've seen him. Ever since his sister, a friend of mine, died along with their parents

We were close friends. I even became closer to him than I was with his sister. We talked a lot whenever I come to their house or just see him in school. He's really nice and friendly but ever since he was bullied, he started to get distant and didn't talk to me anymore in the end.


"I don't want you to get hurt, alright? You're the only person that talks to me now and I don't want anything happening to you." he said to me calmly when I asked him why he wasn't talking to me anymore.

"Do I look like I care?" I asked with a scrunched up face. Obviously tired of him trying to avoid me whenever I go by his school to talk and visit him.

I took a good look at him and he has multiple bruises and a black eye on his left eye. His left eyebrow was also bleeding through a band aid. His arms was behind his back, trying to hide them discreetly but I noticed.

I don't want to jump to conclusions regarding his condition but I have this nagging feeling that I need to see his arms. Something is wrong.

"Let me see your arms." I stretched my arms towards him.

He gave me his left arm. I pushed his sleeves upwards and saw nothing.

"The other arm, Hyunsu." I almost demanded from him.

"Why?" he asked me. Obviously trying to change the topic to me but it's not going to work. I'm not going anywhere until I make him understand that I'm not going anywhere.

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