Chapter 18

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“That’s not what I was trying to say, you know.” I sighed.

“You said that there was a virus here.” Eunhyuk said, holding alcohol and wearing gloves and mask.

I asked him to hangout in my unit when my parents left to go back home from visiting me.

The computer that I was using had a virus that caused a few of my files to disappear but fortunately wasn’t important and I told my boyfriend about it.

But him being a med student, misunderstood what I meant by virus.

He thought that I was sick and was in need of help.

“I meant on my computer.” I told him and laughed.

“I literally rushed here and almost broke my neck when I got out of the elevator for you to tell me that you’re not sick?” he asked me.

He did look like he hurried to go here.

His hair was disheveled and he’s breathing hard. He’s still in his pajamas as well which made me laugh more.

He looked adorable with his tall height and now that he’s in his pajamas with a slight pout, he looked like a fluffy penguin.

I was laughing so hard that when I calm down and look at him, I’d laugh again.

“Are you done?” he said once I calmed down for the fourth time.

I gave an okay sign and walked towards him.

He spread his legs to lower his height as I reached my arms to his hair.

“Thank you for worrying.” I told him, fixing his hair, scratching it lightly, making him moan with content.

“You’re my girlfriend so I have every right to worry about you and even if you weren’t I’d still worry.” he looked at my eyes with a smile, putting his hands on my cheek and caressing it.

He straightened up and hugged me.

“So you’re definitely not sick?” he asked, still holding me.

I nodded as an answer.

“Good, I can do this now.” he stated which made me look at him but before I could ask him about what he’s about to do, his lips found mine.

My arms went to his hair, messing up what I just fixed but that doesn’t matter at the moment. What matters now is me and him.

His soft lips fit mine like it was made for each other and I couldn’t be happier with that thought.

We were kissing for at least thirty seconds when my phone rang.

I didn’t mind it just continued to focus on Eunhyuk but it rang again making him stop.

“Maybe you should check on that.” he pointed at my phone that was on my bed.

I sighed and give him a dirty look.

“Go on.” he pushed me lightly.

I grabbed my phone and saw that it was an unknown number. I showed it to Eunhyuk and he shrugged. “You can put it on loud speaker.” he suggested and that’s what I did.

“Hello?” I asked the caller.

“Good evening. Is this Bae Nara?” the caller asked professionally.

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