Chapter 42

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I walked everywhere to find Eunyoo but I can't seem to see that damn woman. I even bumped into Jisu, who might I add, looked very ill and pale. I offered to take her the the makeshift clinic but she declined and said that she's okay and just felt hot. Everyone can see that it's a lie. When she came along to rescue me and Hyunsu in the basement, she looked fragile but I respected her decision and just let her go.

I continued looking for Eunyoo and finally found her in the room where they used to lock Hyunsu and I up.

"There you are! Honestly, why would you ask me to talk to you if you didn't tell me where you are, stupid bitch." I complained after I sat down next to her.

"I did tell you, but you were busy being the clown in IT with the children a while ago. And who are you calling a bitch?" she answered back, shoving me playfully.

She handed me a cracker and we just sat next to each other, and reminiscing random memories. We do this even before this shit happened. It's either to pass time or just make fun of each other.

"Oh! Remember when you threw your shoe at the guy who tried hitting on you?" I laughed, doing the same action she did a few years ago.

"Shit! Don't remind me of that, that fucker ran away with my shoe. Turns out, he's just a creep who has a shoe fetish." Eunyoo shuddered beside me. 

I looked at her with a confused look. "How the fuck did you know he has a shoe fetish?" 

Eunyoo shrugged and said "I saw that same guy a few days after following some other girl and when I told him off, I followed him to his home. I swear, he's the creepiest guy I have ever seen. He has this shelves full of women shoes and I saw the one I threw at him in the middle. There's even multiple candles arou-"

"Okay, fine! You don't have to describe what you saw. It's already giving me chills just imagining it." I cut her off.

Weird guys are everywhere. Especially now. It's become even weirder because of monsters lurking around us every minute of everyday.

Eunyoo and I became silent, still munching on the crackers from god knows where she got from.

I heard Eunyoo sigh deeply.

"What's wrong? You don't sigh. No, scratch that. You NEVER sigh. You said that it's for weak losers." I asked her.

"I never said that it's for weak losers." she whined.

"I know, just wanted to rile you up." I chuckled.

She gave me the middle finger and continued eating the cracker.

How has she not finished that yet? It's just one piece of cracker.

"Are you really going out?" Eunyoo suddenly questioned me.

"Going out with who? Honestly, how can I even think of something like that. Your brother and I just literally broke u-"

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