Chapter 28

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It was silent the whole time Eunhyuk and I were walking back to the arcade. I didn't dare look or talk to him after what he did.

It's not like I resent him because of what he did. I'm more confused than mad. I mean, what's the point of suddenly kissing me? Is it because we're literally experiencing the end of the world so he's trying to shoot his shot?

I'm happy that I get to feel something so positive since shit happened but I feel like it won't last long. I'm infected and won't be human until who knows. Hyunsu and I don't feel any different ever since we got infected except when we feel our eyes go black and have more strength than usual.

We reached the arcade and I waited for him to open the door so I looked at him.

"Aren't you going to open it?" I asked, pointing at the door.

He was staring at me and sighed.

"I don't want you to hate me for what I asked Mr. Han to do." he stated with a light voice.

"What do you mean?" my eyebrows furrowed when I asked him.

"I asked Mr. Han to add stronger barricades to the entrance of the arcade." he confessed, his hand going rub his forehead.

He hasn't slept.

Instead of getting angry, I understood his reasons. If Hyunsu and I stay here in this state, we might hurt people if things get out of hand.

"It's for the people's safety so I'm not mad, don't worry about that." I answered, rubbing my arm since it's getting a bit chilly.

Eunhyuk's eyes followed my movements and he sighed.

"Eunyoo didn't bring a jacket for you?" he questioned and shook my head.

"And it's not even a turtleneck." he muttered, his hands going to my neck to caress the ugly scar.

I just let him do that. It's not weird for me when he does that, he means well.


I was studying when someone knocked on my door. I got up from where I was sitting and looked at the peephole to see Eunhyuk.

I opened the door to let him in.

"Why do you keep on knocking? I gave you a key, didn't I?" I asked him when he got inside.

"I don't want to invade your privacy that much." he smiled then hugged me tight. My arms went around his waist to hug him back.

"You're my boyfriend, you don't have to worry about invading my privacy. It's not like I have something to hide now." I chuckled.

Eunhyuk's arm loosened around me then looked at me at his arm's length. He was looking me over.

"I'm okay, Eunhyuk." I comforted him, walking back and sitting to where I was.

He followed me and looked at the books and laptop in front of me.

"You studying for a test?" he questioned, looking at the laptop to see program codes making him shake his head in confusion.

I laughed at his reaction and rubbed his back.

"No. I just wanted to do some advance reading. The professor told us what we'll be learning next wee-"

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