Chapter 23

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"Let's just go, please?" I asked them since Hyunsu kept on insisting that he interrupted something.

Now that I think about it, it's good timing that Hyunsu did what he just did. Eunyuk and I aren't together anymore so suddenly kissing would be weird. And the fact that I'm infected adds something on my list of why I shouldn't date him anymore even though I wanted to, especially when he still messages me from time to time to ask if I'm okay.

"Follow me." Eunhyuk said and guided us towards a pair of double door which multiple furnitures were stacked against it as a barricade, A person is guarding it as well.

The stairs, fire exit.

There's also another tall person in front of it, just looking at the door.

He looks very intimidating if I say so myself. All I could see was his back. He's wearing a brown and green long sleeved button up and brown pants. His hands are in his pocket and even if he's just standing there, I know that he's not someone to be taken lightly.

"Move." I heard the man say with a gruff voice to the person guarding it.

"He's the one we saw on the stairs." Hyunsu told me, quietly but I looked at him confused so he just sighed, "Before you fainted." he added.

Recognition dawned on my face. I couldn't really remember his face that much because I was close to fainting at the time I first saw him.

"I... No, you can't..." the man guarding the door said, trying to look away at the man because of the scary aura he exudes.

"Open the door." the man said once more in a calm but commanding manner.

I wonder why does he want to go where the monsters are lurking.

Eunhyuk left our side and went towards them.

"Is this okay? To let him out?" the man asked Eunhyuk, still not guarding the door.

"I don't think we can stop him."Eunhyuk answered in calm voice.

"You're not supposed to go out the-" the man who's guarding the door said, standing up but the man who wanted to go already stepped towards the makeshift barricade, throwing the furnitures at the ground.

A few seconds passed, and he was able to open the double doors with a loud screeching sound.

The man went to the stairs without even glancing at anyone and I turned to follow him.

I was two steps away from the stairs when I remembered that I don't have my nunchucks with me so I turned to get it from Hyunsu but when I looked at him, Eunhyuk was whispering something to him.

After Eunhyuk was done with what he was saying, Hyunsu's face turned pale.

I walked towards them and took my nunchucks that was hanging on Hyunsu's neck.

I didn't ask about what Eunhyuk said to Hyunsu because there's probably a reason why he only told Hyunsu but curiosity got the best of me. I'll try to ask Hyunsu later when we have time.

We heard the door close so we started our way towards the 14th floor.

I can feel Hyunsu's tense movement beside me.

"You good?" I asked him quietly, gripping my weapon and pushing the buttons.

"No." he gulped and I nodded in understanding.

I don't feel good as well. Eunhyuk literally just put us on a suicide mission but I'm not really complaining. They need Mr. Han. And the children as well. They need better protection.

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