Chapter 14

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Mr. Han, the kids, Hyunsu and I were talking quietly.

“What happened out there?” Mr. Han asked.

“We encountered a monster when we were going to the kids and got away but got held up by another one.” I explained shortly.

“We had some help. Nara and I told them to come here.” Hyunsu said.

The kids were at the side, still shaking. There are dried tear tracks on their faces.

“It’s okay, you can go si-”

Mr. Han got cut off by me holding my hands up, making everyone go silent.

There are voices behind the door.

The words were muffled but they’re definitely voices.

I pushed the buttons so I can fight if there’s a need.

Hyunsu and Mr. Han also grabbed their weapons and pointed it at the door.

The doorknob turned slowly and opened.

Behind it was a woman who’s face is covered with blood.

That just came out of her nose.

Oh no.

I should do something but there’s something telling me that she’s harmless.

She’s quite familiar but I can’t tell.

I tried remembering but I couldn’t because I was distracted by the blood on her hands. There’s also blood smeared on her skirt, her long hair a mess. It’s like she battled a monster ju-

It’s her!

She’s the one who gave us time to attack the protein monster!

But how is that possible, her eyes were different from before. It was pitch black. Like Hyunsu. Like me.

There are others like us.

She fully came inside even though three weapons are in front of her.

“Who are you?” Mr. Han asked after she closed the door, weapon still raised.

The woman said nothing but looked around. She spotted the the children on the side and gave a motherly smile and wave.

“She’s okay.” I said to Hyunsu making him lower his spear, Mr. Han following.

I stepped towards the woman and assisted her inside.

We passed by the children and she stopped.

She crouched by the children’s level and asked, “Are you hurt?”

The children shook their head and the woman replied with a soft, “That’s good to know.”

The woman was radiating strong motherly instinct towards the children.

She sat down and the children shuffled closer to her and I just let them.

She’s not going to do anything wrong.

Hyunsu was staring at me and when I looked at him, he smiled.

Who does he think he is, I haven’t forgotten his choice of words to the kids.

I rolled my eyes at him and he returned with a questioning gaze.

"What did I ever do to you?" Hyunsu asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know, ask yourself." I said and went to Mr. Han

“Is she the one who helped you?” Mr. Han asked us.

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