Chapter 9

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Hyunsu and I were very much shocked with what we were seeing.

Some random man just saved us by using a what looks like a self invented cannon. Different colored wires were connected to different ports that was once a normal crutch. At the end was a hole, where the bullet or whatever it was came from.

I was about to say thank you but he put his finger against his mouth, a gesture telling me to be quiet and Hyunsu and I nodded as an answer.

He reached something inside and pulled a big notepad with words written on it.


“THOSE THINGS DON’T DIE.” he added on the note.

The monster’s head was practically cut off, there’s no way that wouldn’t result in it’s death. It’s always the head that has to be targeted.

The man who saved us nodded his head downwards.

I looked down on the ground I don’t need to look at Hyunsu to know that he did as well.

There was a body with a long neck which was wriggling wildly on the cement.

The neck looks like the rope like thing connected to the eyeba-

My mouth opened in a silent gasp.

It’s the body of the monster we just saw.

The neck has now stopped moving but the body is slowly standing up and the neck part popped off from the joint it was connected from.

The body walked away, leaving the long neck motionless on the ground.

“Dad!” the kids from before cried suddenly which made Hyunsu slip his hand off the ledge and almost fall to his death if it weren’t for my grip on the back of his head.

“Jumping without me? Don’t you dare.” I said to him.

“Dad!” the kids shouted repeatedly.

Hyunsu nudged me and made me look at the man again. He’s now holding a different note.

“DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE KIDS?” the note said.

I do but at what cost?

That shouldn’t matter, they’re kids! They need to have a chance of survival even in this current situation.

I pulled my head from outside and grabbed my nunchucks that still has one of the knives attached at one end.

Hyunsu was looking at me curiously from where he stood.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Making a weapon.” I answered shortly.

“For what?” he walked towards me, looking at me grabbing another knife and securing it on the other end of my nunchucks.

I turned to look at him with scrunched up eyebrows.

“What do you mean why? We have to save those kids!” I pointed to the window.

“I know we have to but what will we use for protection?” he inquired. “I mean you have your chain thingy and I don’t have anything.” he added quietly.

I finished adjusting the chain on my nunchucks so it won’t be too short and get stabbed by my untimely stupidity.

I didn’t look at Hyunsu when I grabbed the pole from before and reached for the last knife he has.

After I wrapped the knife tightly on one end, I took my nunchucks and offered it to Hyunsu.

“What’s that?” he questioned.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukWhere stories live. Discover now