Chapter 10 [Lance]

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"Hey, Keith, wait!" I yelled  to Keith as he left the entry hall. Keith didn't turned back to wait for me. Why was he so pissed of? Okay, he'd spended  the last hour working in detention."Wait!" I said under my breath as I finally reached him. I grabbed Keith arm so he was forced to wait. "What?" He toured around. "I thought we can walk to class together ?" I asked, trying to sound friendly. "No, forget it." He responded harsh.
"Forget what?" one of the older students asked. A few kids were watching us, his fault, he was the one who didnt waited. "Not your shitty affair!" Keith said loud enough that a lot of peoples could hear that. Some laughed, the older guy didn't found that very funny. He stepped one step forward to Keith. "How the hell do you talk to me?" he said, really angry now. "I talk to you like I talked to every annoying shit." He said bored. Okay sometimes Keith was fucking cool. Well, the guy didnt thought so. „Do you wanna mess up with me?" he asked sacastically. Keith sighed, „ I dont have time for your ego show, so no." The kids around cracked  up.
Okay now he had a problem, this guy was really strong and hugh. If they would fight, Keith had no chance, so I thought.
The first blow was from the other guy. Keith wasnt really shoked about that, he punshed back and well both could fight. Some people tried to help them or stop the fight. I was just standing there and watching in shok.Keith was damn good at this shit. Like he was at everything. I should be jelous now, right? I was honestly really worried. „Keith stop!" I screamed , but in the chaos nobody heard me. It took a few more minutes after a teacher finally came and stopped the fight .Keith was bleeding at the
forehead, the other guy was hurted too. I couldnt understand what the teacher said. „You too, come here." he said lould.
„Oh my god, Keith!" I laughed, „ That was awsome!" . He grinned, „ Really?" I grabbed his hand, „come on befor you get in trouble!" In all this chaos we left the school laughing.
We ran, even if nobody would catch us. After 10 minutes we reached the nature reserve , I never went here. Keith let himself fall into the soft cold  snow and took a deep breath. I sat next to him. „You have to teach me how to fight like that!" He looked at me, confused."You sure? That would mean you would spend time with your Rival."he grinned. I punshed him, „Very funny."
I leand back and looked at the sky. What the hell happend today? I was fucking happy. I started to laugh.
„Whats wrong?" Keith asked."Its just, I closed the eyes,"You just came and we are now here and ,I dont know. Its just a bit crazy.
„Yeah," He smilled. Keith Kogan smiled? Not like his typically sacastic grin, like he was really happy. Ive never seen him like that.
He looked kinda cute like this

[Holishit! I'm done! This took sooo long, hope you like it. I know in the last days I posted 2 Chapters in a day but I don't know if I'll poste chapter 11 today... It's Christmas! But I'm trying! Thanks for reading this! Please leave a comment! Thanks]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now