Chapter 20 [Keith]

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He was there again, there where he swore he would never come back. Well, another broken promise, I think I get used to it. The fact that Lance had now a girlfriend was the main reason why I was here. I didn't really missed the old train station, crowded like ever. People walking by, officers ignoring the stuff they sell here. Nobody really cared about this mess, wow, I compare myself with a station. A woman, probably too late for work or something, ran into me. Her bag and the  content  rolled over the plattform . „Cant you just look where you going?!" she yelled at me like I was the reason for her bad day. Other passengers watched us now , hoping for a fight or something,  that they could poste on facebook. I just stood
up and apologized befor I kept walking.
Im really not proud of what I did next . To say it clear, with no excuses: I didn't went to school this morning, I went here instead and I „got" some money from Shiros wallet .  Why do I need to steal something from Shiro and go to an old station ? I brought some stuff there, something Shiro would never allowe me to buy. For my defend: I really needed it. You maybe know what I mean with stuff. If not, I dont wanna ruin your innocent mind, it was nothing .

„He is sixteen !" Shiro said to Adam the third time this day."I know,"he sighed ."You can talk with him about that, he probably is listening to our conversation right now." Yeah I was listening, even if I was fucking tired and my head hurted like I drank all the alcohol in this damn world. „I cant talk to him!" Shiro responded ,angry. „Hes probably still high."
Well, not really, just a bit dizzy , I added in my thoughts. Why did Shiro made of all things I did such a big deal? A lot of teenagers in my age did drugs too. Probably because it was his money I spended. „I'll talk to him tomorrow,"Shiro finally decided. „We should go to sleep now." Yeah, thats exactly what im trying to do for hours now, and it still didn't worked.
I went online and looked at my chats, the real ones, not the discord people I really didn't knew. 20 messages and 2 missed calls from Lance. Would he ever give up? Nope. Should I answer him? What could I say? Hey Lance, sorry for not coming to school and ignoring you, I was just busy with stealing Shiros money and buying drugs at the station. It would be pretty funny to see his reaction but I wouldn't risk it. Probably he's with his girlfriend now, I wont interrupt him in his stupid pretty life.
His girlfriend . I didn't hate girls, they are kinda nice and understanding, but this girl, I really hated with my full heart. Its not like I know her but still, spending my time with hating someone was better than loving.

[Thank you all so much for reading!!!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now