Chapter 11 [Keith]

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What the god damn hell happened? He was like just a few hours at this school and now? Well to say it straight (okay I know, dumb joke), he got into a fight, left the school against the rules with Lance and plummeted in a nature reserve. "Tell me about your old school and your friends," Lance said. There was not a lot to say. "Well," Keith began, "School was like every school and friends? Not existed."
Lance was really surprised. "You had no friends there?" And that's the problem, now Lance would asked why and this was it. He couldn't just say, yeah I tried to end my life and jumped of a damn roof. Even if it was true. Sometimes reality wasn't soo good. "Why?" Lance finally asked. "I mean you sometimes really annoying and stuff, bout somehow all the kids like you." Lance exclaimed.
I could tell him. He would probably tell the hole school, was this bad?
Well the positiv thing was: I would have finally a reason to jump, I mean I had one the last time too, but nobody would ever understand it.
" I don't really know." He sighed.
Even Lance got it know, so he stood up. "I bet you're loosing this!" he smiled, "Who's the first who reaches the edge of the cliff?" "And I bet you loose!" Keith stood up.
Lance was faster than he'd thought. He was taller and had longer legs,something Keith couldn't say about himself.
But Lance didn't had a lot of endurance. Keith, trying to win, ran faster than he was used to. Completely out of breath he reached it, finally. "You loose," he said under his breath to Lance. Under the cliff, the river flowed by, wild animals hunting each other, simply living. When was the last time he really lived? He'd no idea.

After their little "race" both started to calm down. They sat hours in the grass, talking about unrelated things.
Watching the sun go down felt different than normal. Normally Keith just didn't noticed such things.
Lance was enjoying the hole situation, it was a bit like he was part of all that, compared to him. Neither of them noticed that the time went by.
Well after the sun went down, they did. "Oh shit," Lance muttered, "They'll kill me." but he didn't looked that worried. "Come on, we have to go back," Keith admitted. The way was much more dangerous and difficult than they'd remembered.
After 45 minutes of walking, stumble and laughing the two of them reached the flat. "Can't we just go backto the forest and I don't no, die?" Keith asked Lance. "All things are better than an angry Shiro!"
The bell started to rang.
To Keith's surprise, Adam opened the door. "Keith," he said facilitated. "Shiro was really..." "Keith!" Shiro interrupted him. "You have really nerves to come here after all!" he was furious. "I,.."Keith began, or tried to." Not now! "Shiro said harsh." You have now a problem! "He hissed." It wasn't Keith's fault! "Lance said loud enough that everyone could hear it." What? "Keith toured around, confused. It was his fault. He stared the fight, he ran away, he..." I started the fight, Keith just helped me. "Lance lied. Lance lied to help Keith. Okay, maybe his brain was a bit damaged, nobody would ever help him.
Lance looked at him, like he tried to say: just shut this time up.
And, at the moment, he'd no problem with that.

[Finally Finished! Sorry I wanted to write 2 chapters today but,.. Christmas you know! But this is compared to the others longer than usual! Hope you all enjoy! If you like it please leave a comment! Thank you soo much!]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now