✨The end✨ [part 1]

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P: Okay, how can we finish this Fanfiction?

L: Fanfiction?

P: My Klance Fanfiction, what else?

K: Klance? Whats that?

P: Seriously? Thats your names. There are literary thousands of Fanfics how you too idiots got together...

H: Wow, is there a Fanfiction about me too?

K: Please tell me your joking ,right?

P: Nope.

L: You mean there are stalker who write about us? Why? I mean I'm cool but Keith.

K: Excuse me?

H: I really dont understand how you too got together...

P: Then read my fucking fanfiction!!!

K: But thats so creepy.Who does that?!

P: ME.

L: Why am I not surprised?

H: That means you stalked Lance and Keith?

P: Yes. Belive me It is not so funny standing in a bush for 2 hours.

K: You did what?

P: Forget it, soo back to the topic. I need an ending.

H: You mean like „and they lived a happy ever after.."

L: Ever after with Keith?!

K: Never.

P: Well, that would be too easy, I need something funny, romantic and shit.

L: I've a brilliant idea!!

K: You dont...

L: Okay listen: Keith got hit by a truck and died and Lance became a superhero!

P: It is a love story?! Thats basically the opposite.

K: Okay change the names and I love it.

H: I think my ever after is cutter!


K: No, you stalked us and no we want to decide our ending for our fanfiction.

P: I hate my job.

L: You're literally a kid, you dont have a job, youre underage.


H: Could you please stop fighting?

K: But we are not cute or funny or romantic. We are just shitty humans.

P: Yeah but still I need an ending.

L: Does anyone ever going to read this?

P: Probably yes? Thats why I'm asking for an ENDING.

K: How about: „A pandemic came and all died?"

P: Funny.

K:Uhm okay than write it..

P: No. Any more ideas?

H: Everyone likes ever after...

L: Shut up. Not everyone is sooo cheesy like you. That's the problem.

K: I'm out. Do what ever you want Stalker.

P: Excuse me? It called author.

K: Whatever.

L: I'm out too! Nobody is ever gonna read that shit.

P: And like everytime I have to do all by myself. Soo, any ideas? What do YOU want? Some old memories, there live right at the moment, or something like this chapter?
COMMENT OR YOU GET HIT BY A TRUCK [sorry, Keith wanted to write something too.]

[Thanks for reading! I recommend you too comment, belive me Keith isn't joking. Hope you all enjoy!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now