Chapter 8 [Lance]

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The day started brilliant. First Rachel screamed at me, I missed breakfast because I was late and now? 15 minutes to late for school. I didn't thought of Keith, big error, as I walked in class. Mrs Smith was angry, nope not angry furious. "Lance Mclain! The lesson started 15 minutes ago and now your comming?!" We're going to have a talk after the lesson! Now sit down! " I toured around and saw him.
Black faded jeans, an old red hoodie, the black had and his eyes. He changed. He got stronger, his black hair obscured his one eye. His eyes were as shoked as mine. Something in my chest exploded. Shok? Fear? Happiness? I had no idea. "Mclain? Do you want to stand here for the rest of the lesson?" Mrs Smith asked harsh.
I walked to Keith, and sat next to him. Thousands of thoughts running though my brain. How'd he become like this? I paked out my stuff. "What's the exercise?" I asked Keith, like all was normal. "Well starring at my like a creepy, is it definitely not." he grinned. I blushed. I fucking blushed because of Keith Kogan? Something was definitely wrong today! "Very funny mullet." I hissed. "Why are you here?" I asked verry unfriendly. "Maybe because all kids have to go to school, exept they're dead." he smiled sarcastically. This was definitely Keith. Why the hell was I so unsure?
"Can you please share your book with me?" Keith asked bored. "Oh," I grinned, "Has the great Keith Kogan no book?" He sighed. "Or are you too good to bring.." "Shut the fuck up!" he interrupted me. "Can you just stop this shitty rival thing? It's annoying!" he said harsh. Annoying? It was part of our past friendship! I gave Keith the book and we started to do the exercises, or maybe Keith did, I  was just starting at him and asking myself  why he was soo,...
" Okay, "Keith turned around after 20 minutes of work," What is your problem? "He whispered quite to me, to not get the teachers attention. Well, Mrs Smith had brilliant ears, with one step, she was next to us and looked down." Detention, both after class! "she said smiling and walked away. That was one of the reasons, most students were scared of her, she was enjoying that, scaring students was like her 24/7 hobby." Thank you very much! "I muttered, now really pissed of." What? "he hissed back," It wasn't my fault! You were staring at me like an idiot! "
" I was not! "I defended myself," You were talking! "
" Shut just for on second up. "Keith sighed. I could push him. No, I couldn't, something was definitely wrong with me.

[I know, Its short too but hope you like it! Lance has definitely a crush on Keith! In the next chapter you will know if Keith still likes him! And I'll add Pidge and Hunk!]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now