Chapter 30 [Keith]

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I opend slowly my eyes, my head felt dizzy. I wasnt in my bed, that was the first thought that came in my head."Finally awak,"Lance grinned. Holishit. I rememberd it. I remembered the kiss. But now? I was laying on Lance chest, not like I didn't liked it I was just realy confused. Friends dont kiss friend, right? But what was Lance? A friend? He saw my confused look. „You fell asleep yesterday, I thought it would be nicer to bring you here instead of leaving you there." I did what? Lance brought me to his house? I didn't really wanted to face now the consciences, so I just layed my head back on his chest. I could feel his heart beating. „Can I ask you something?"He asked. „Uhm sure?"I reponded, still too emerassed to look him in the eyes. „Can you forgive me?" he whispered. That was the last thing I expected.  Can I forgive him? The sence appeared in my head again. Lance yelling at me, students gossiping about me. They will talk about me. They will laugh about me. And it was all Lances fault. „For what exactly,"I asked. „For saying these things, for telling the hole school about something privat. And,"he sighed."For kissing you.I sould have asked you If you wanted it." For kissing me?  Yeah, It would have been better with my promision but hey, If I didn't want the kiss I just could have pushed Lance off the cliff. The though made me smile. Yeah I know not really nice but you can't change the sadist in me."Why are you grinning?" Lance asked. Fantastic, I couldn't say this right? But it was still a bit funny.
"It's just all so weird.." I muttered. "Yesterday you said to me it would be better if I was dead and today I'm laying in your arms."
Lance hugged me, "I'm so sorry, I just,.." his voice broke. "I was an asshole? Okay." Yeah he was, but still I couldn't really hate him.
"I wanna ask you another thing." he struggled. "Okay?" "I think I like you, more than a friend." Oh shit. This was definitely one of Lances dumb jokes, right? He would never like a boy, especially me. But he sounded so serious? I got up and looked at him, expecting him to laugh now or something like that. Instead he kissed me. Again. Oh fuck it felt so warm and good. Lance broke the kiss, but still held me. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" he asked.
I think you can imagine what I said.

[Thanks for reading! Sorry for the LATE update I was sooo lazy! I know this final chapter isn't good at all but it's not the end! I promise you the end is going to be my favorite part!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now