Chapter 1 [Keith]

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„He did what?" Shiros voice sounded more than shoked, like he really cared. I pressed my head against the door. The scars hurted more than normal, I didn't really cared. „We dont exactly know why, but we know one thing for sure, this wasnt just an accident." she signed, „ It was propably a suicide attemp." „No," Shiro sounded unsure. „I know Keith, he would never do something," his voice broke.

Keith grinned, Shiro was one of the fucking reasons, and now he wondered why Keith wasn't doing alright? How sarcastic. The wooden door felt cold on his skin. Keith could stand there forever.
The woman's voice, too friendly and caring talked to Shiro again. "We can send him to a therapy, there they will have an eye on him, something like that won't happen there."

He could scream, ran into the room and punch them, maybe kill them. Send him to an asylum, you'll never ever need to deal with that little shit of human again. Wasn't that exactly what Shiro wanted. Forget that he had a dam brother, forget about all his fucking responsibilities. Forget. That was something Keith couldn't. He would do any shitty thing to forget about the past years. But he couldn't and this made him weak, a lot of more weakness he couldn't stand.

Shiros words fuelled the long silence. "I don't thing this is a good idea, I wanna talk with Keith first." You had two year to "talk" with me, Keith thought. Did you ever do that? No. Fucking god dam no. Never. Keith often got angry, most he punshed other kids, fighting for no reason. This time he had a reason, but he decided that fighting with Shiro wouldn't be the best idea.
Shiro stood up, and headed for the door. Keith stepped away from the door, he wouldn't give Shiro that shame too. Instead he looked at the floor, trying to focus on something "interesting". "Keith?" his voice sounded more than a question than a normal name. "Sad that I'm still alive?" Keith grinned with contempt.
He didn't looked him in the eyes, still he could feel Shiros pain. Pain about him. "Keith," his voice broke again. He hugged him. He couldn't do anything against it, he let him, even if it felt wrong, totally wrong. "What the hell got into you?" Shiro muttered.
Very funny. What the hell got into You as you gave me back after crying and bagging to stay there, stay there by my friends, by my first real "family". He didn't answered. Shiro let go of him. "What do we do now?" he asked.
"Why do you ask me?" It were the first words Keith spoke in front of Shiro, his voice sounded bored. "How about sending me to an Asylum? Isn't that the easiest way?" The sarcasm was very clear. Shiro blinked, like he didn't expected Keith to be like that. "Keith, stop being like that! You know we all care about you! I'll never send you away!" Shiro cried. "Wouldn't be the first time," Keith admitted harsh. The two were standing there, both didn't really know what to do. "Come on." Shiro grabbed Keith hand. "We can talk in the car."

[Sry it's a bit short but I'll write more stuff! If you like the beginning please let me know! Love you guys!]

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