Capter 16 (Keith)

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„Keith, we all know youre lieing."Lance sighed dramatically. „Let him do what he want," Pidge contert, bit annoyed .Yeah. exactly, let him do what he want, let him cut himself, let him die.Why the fuck humans dont understand that? I've a right to die. „I think we should stop," Hunk added,"you make Keith uncomfortable " Now all looked at me. I tried a fake smile and to my surprise it really worked. Hunk smiled back and Pidge laughed. Just Lance looked at me differnt. „Whats wrong?"I asked Lance."You look at my like I'm a ghost."
Pidge giggled ,"You didnt gave up your dream to become a ghost hunter, did you?"She made fun of Lance. Lance blushed like an idiot, no sorry he blushed like an cute idiot. „You are all so mean." He cried out fakley. When he was there, I didn't felt that pain. Of course it was there but not so strong as without him. Maybe I just can handel it know better, Maybe. „Keith, you really dont look good." Lance said totally serious. „Its not a big deal," I mutterd and stand up. „Wait, where are you going?"Pidge asked confused.
„Just a bit outside." He said and went out.
As he finally found a place were nobody would find him, he searched for the little pack in his bag. This was one of Keiths bad habits. He smoke. A lot. Every time when he got stressed out. He never thought of it, as a big deal but all the others did. So he only did it when he was alone, like now. He watched the smoke dancing in the cold winter air.
10 minutes went on like this until Lance came. „I searched the hole school for you." he said, completely out of breath .
He imadiatly stopped as he saw the cigarette . „You smoke?"
No of cours not, Im just standing here and holding this shit in my hand. How dumb could he sometimes be?
„Yeah, any problem?" He stood there in silence for one second after he responded back,"Isn't that illegal? Does Shiro know? Do you know how unhealthy that is I? I  mean you can die of can..."Yeah"Keith responded sarcastically. „Its not like anyone cared." again I tried the sarcastical grin. Lance looked way much more than shoked. „What..." he mumbled ."Your joking?" He asked.
„Of course I am,"I sighed.
" Come, we have class. "Lance said kindly. I'll come, give me one minute.
One minute I cloud train the fake version of Keith Kogane.
It's like Im drowning, you see the surface  but can't reach it. Your trying to scream but nobody is ever going to hear you.

[Hi guys I'm back with a new chapter! Hope you all like it! The idea I got from a real (Yeah not joking) talk with my best friend.


Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now