✨The end ✨[Part A1]

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!!!Important Information!!!

This is part A of the ending! I'll write more endings so that you can be happy with the thing you like. This is just part 1,so I'll write a second part if you like.

🖤This story is the "Futur" version were both of them are married and have kids. I think it's really cute, hope you enjoy too! 🖤

„Okay, but NOW you have to sleep, no puppy eyes!“ Lance tried the third time. „No! We want a cool story, not such cheesy stuff! I will not sleep until you tell us a real story!“ Zoe exclaimed while looking at Lance with her puppie eyes. „I said no puppy eyes!“ Lance sighed. „And this story wasnt cheesy!“ Zoe gave him her seriously-it-is-cheesy look. „But the story is cute!“ Mio smiled,“Can you tell us more?“ „No“ Kayla interrupted him.“No more love story, I'll ask dad If he can tell us something better.“ „No, dad can't tell you another story you both know that you have to go to sleep now, its already ten.“ Kayla looked way more disappointed  than her brother. „They are still awake?“Keith asked as he came into the room.“I know,“ Lance whined.“I tried literary everything!“ Keith sat next to lance on the bed. „So whats the problem?“ he asked both. „Dad is just telling us some dumb love story and I cant sleep!“ she told Keith. Keith grinned and looked at Lance,“Dumb love story? Really?“ he giggeled.“You had one job.“ he added. „How I said, I tried everything  but these monsters wont sleep!“ Lanc glared at Zoe. „Okay, how about you two just sleep and tomorrow we can go to the park, deal?“ Keith said kindly. „nice try, „ Zoe grinned.“we want ice cream too.“ She could really be a ganster boss one day. „Uh fine.“Lance growled. Both kids beemed for excitement. It was pretty easy to make them happy. They finally layed down and closed their eyes, not that they would sleep now. Keith knew them, they would just pretend to sleep and then, when nobody was there they would tourn on the light and play again. But that was their problemn. „Come,“ he grabbed Lance hand. Keith and Lance stood up and left the room after giving everyone a good night kiss. "I think they are nocturnal .“ Lance said. „yeah.“ Keith smiled. „Why is it sooo hard to raise kids?!“ he sighed. Keith giggled.“It was your idea to adopt them, and to be fair it was probably the best idea you ever had.“ He gave Keith a kiss on his cheek. „ Yeah it defenitly was, right after marring you.“

[Thank you guys so much for reading!
Part 2 will come out soon I promise!
You're probably don't really like this ending cause it's like Idk I'm not good at writing TwT.

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now