Chapter 12 [Lance]

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„It was my idea to run away!" my voice broke."Im really sorry." I admitted. Shiro was shoked. He looked first at me and than at Keith wich starred at the floor like he was trying to dont get any attention. „Lance are you sure? You dont have to ..." Shiro said friendly but I interrupted him harsh."Im sure!" Adam grinned like he found the hole situation funny. „Shiro,"he put his hand on Shiros arm. „You can think about it again and tomorrow you can tell the principal you story." Shiro sighed. Without saying something left Keith went in.Before he closed the door he whispered,"Thank you." and closed the door. I stood there,in the dark empty staircase and was ...happy? Shiros voice from the inside interrupted my thoughts. „ We all know it was Keiths fault." he said."After all he's making problems again! Why cant he just be one day normal?" „Its okay." Adam tried to calm Shiro down."No." Shiro cried. Shiro cryed? I stood there, waiting to hear more things that weren't meant for me. „After what happend at his old school! He could do it again!" Shiro mutterd, still loud enough that I could hear every single word. Do what again? What happend? I had to ask Keith tomorrow in school. What could he have done? I asked myself as I reached the sidewalk . Keith would tell me? Right? It was very clearly today that he'd lied about his old school. Of course he had friends there. I lost myself completely in my thoughts until I reached my home. Now there was no Keith who could lie to protect me like I did (even if he probably wouldn't do such things for friends). Now I had to deal with my trouble. I opend the door. Alia and Mico were playing on the floor with their toys. In the moment I walked in Mico started to scream: „Laance" and ran towards me. Sometimes they were annoying .Sometimes they made me freak out, but in this moment I couldn't be happier to see both of them. „Lance?" Rachel stood there and scanned me with her eyes. „I prepared your grave already," she joked, but I kew that this wouldnt be so funny. „Are you loco? Sabes que heuer es? The school called us! We were worried!"Moma screamed at me while Rachel was giggeling. „I bet he made out with his boyfriend." she admitted sacastically.Now I got the full attention. „You have a boyfriend?" Moma asked, trying not to sound as shoked as she looked like. My face tourned fier red. How the hell knew Rachel that I spended the day with Keith? How the hell knew she that I have a crush on him? It was the first time I thought it. This was ridiculous . I didnt had a crush on him! Of course not! He was a boy, not some pretty looking girl I could fall for. „I dont have a boyfriend." I hissed at Rachel. Moma looked facilitates ." Can we talk about this tomorrow, "I asked," I've to do some school work for tomorrow. "I admit." Okay, "Moma sighed." It's late, we all have to go to bed. "
I know that this night would be long.

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now