Chapter 6 [Lance]

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"¡Oye, Lance! ¡Vamos, no llegues tarde, perderemos el autobús de la presa! " Rachel said annoyed. "What?" I muttered sleepy. "You have to get up, Pequeña mierda!" Rachel, rolled her eyes. "Okay, don't call me that, I'll stand up. Rachel left the room. Fantastic, another horrible day at school, pretending that I'm okay.
Keith. The thought woke me finally up." Shit. "I sighed. I should be happy to see my old" Friend " again, but I was scared that Keith could maybe find out. That he would treat me different. Keith was special, not that it meant something to me, he was just, not like a teenager should be. He wasn't a kid, he didn't laughed with the others,he didn't showed any emotions except sarcasm, anger and happiness (if you could call Keith happy) he was different. I didn't understood why Keith wanted to be my friend, he was that cool kid, all girls fell in love with. I was jealous, that's why I'd started this hole rival thing. And now, I wasn't a kid, there was so much shit in my life, nobody cared anymore.
I stopped thinking about it and got ready for school. Hey come on, your life isn't that bad, I tried to cheer myself up.

Rachel waited already at the door.
"What's wrong?" She asked worried. "What?" I muttered. "I asked you what's wrong!" she responded annoyed. "Uhm nothing." I sighed.
"Just.." I looked down "Keith's comming back." Rachel asked confused :"You mean that Emo-Kid? Shiros younger brother?" "Yeah exactly." "Okay? What's wrong? Thought you was his best friend?Aren't you supposed to be happy now?" Rachel looked ar me, asking.
I'm supposed to be happy, I'm supposed to be me, I'm supposed to be eating and sleeping and working I know it's a healthy routine. I'm supposed to be happy, but what if Im sad? I didn't had an answer.

" I don't get it. " Rachel sighed.
"You don't have to." I admit. "But why aren't you happy? I thought he'd like you?" "Well," I bit my lip, "I don't really know." She grinned, "Find it out." and with these words she headed for the bus.

"Oh my gosh!" Hunk repeated again, "I can't belive we met Keith!"
I looked outside the window, I felt bad, I wasn't happy, I couldn't.
"But one thing I don't understand," Pidge bean, "He moved away and got thrown out of his old school, but I..." "Stop," I interrupted her, "You said he got thrown ou of his old school?!" "Yeah," she answered, "But how?" "Lance!" she said angrily. "Stop interrupting me! I'll tell you."
Keith got thrown out of school?
Keith Kogan? He wasn't a good student, he got often into fights and got drunken befor school, but he had good grades and...
"Well, I heard Matt taking about it, yesterday. But Matt sounded serious! Maybe something happened, we have to ask him."
Ask him. Speak to him. I closed my eyes.

[Okay It isn't soo long but hey, I really like it! I thought it would be too easy that just Keith has problems! Be sure to check out the next chapters! It's worth it!]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now