Chapter 27 [Lance]

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I didn't found him. Of course not. After this it was totally clear that the last person he wanted to see was me. I cloud defenitly understand that.
It can't get any worse right? Wrong, It got horrible. Shiro heard about the rumors and well the first person he was blaming was me. I was about going home, maybe calling Keith or something but Shiro didn't let me go so easily. Pidge told him the hole story. "Do you know that YOU have a big problem?!" he yelled at me. This was the : catastrophy-yelling-missunderstanding-day. Did I mentioned that Shiro can be really scary if he's angry? Well I cloud understand that, If I wouldn't be trapped in my own body I would probably scream at Lance too.

" Fuck" I muttered as thorns entenaled in my hair. For how long I've been waking around this Nature reserve? Days? Years? Okay maybe just half and an hour but it felt like my hole life.
It was a stupid idea to come here and search for him.
The last time I'd been here with Keith it was one of my happiness days. Why couldn't I just go back and stay forever in this moment?

Fantastic, I thought as the sun went finally down, leaving me in the dark forest. Should I just go back? Maybe Keith was already at home.
It was the moment I wanted tourn back as I saw his silluete. Leaning against a rock, starring at the mountains. What could I say now? Hey I'm back sorry for embarrassing you in front of the hole school, hope you don't mind it. "Uhm Keith?" I asked carefully. He sighed but didn't answer. "I know you're probably really mad at me and I understand that. I mean I acted like a huge asshole, I know that but," "Lance stop!" He interrupted me.
"In wasn't your fault. Except the fact that you told the hole school" I made out with your girlfriend ". You can hate yourself for that, okay?"
Again Keith surprised me with his reaction. Why was he so calm? I sat next to him, without looking him in the eyes. "What do you mean with: It's not my fault? I asked. He looked at me, his eyes full of emotion." I should have told you. "he said." No of course not! This is just... "I responded." Just too scary? Belive me it sounds more scary than it is. "
" I'm sorry. "
Well, of course he didn't responded or anything, what had I expected?
The next thing I did was more than stupid. It was, I don't know why I did this? If have no excuse. I wanted to make him feel better.
I can't say this! It's too embarrassing!

I kissed Keith.

[Thank you guys soo much for reading! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I'll upload the new chapter as soon as possible!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now