Chapter 28 [Keith]

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Lance kissed me. His lips on mine.
Am I the only one who wants to fall from this cliff now, hoping my dead wouldn't be so painful? I liked him for years, knowing that he's totally, one hundert prozent straight. In the first second I was too shoked to do anything but without thinking, I leaned into the kiss. Hell, his lips were soft. I was the one who broke the kiss, well to my excuse I needed air. He looked at me with is ocean blue eyes, every time he did this I could feel how I drowned in them. I leaned my head against his shoulder, feeling his heart beating so fast. In this moment we both needed no words. We were here, right in this moment, together and nobody could do anything against it. All my worries, all my bad emotions were not important anymore. I had Lance. Even If he was sometimes an asshole, I could count on him, just for now. I closed my eyes, wishing that this moment would never end.

[Thank you guys sooo much for reading! I'm soo sorry for the short chapter! I'll write more tomorrow!

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now