Chapter 18 [Keith]

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"You guys never believe me." Lance began, too excited. I mean Lance is the hole time excited but more like a joke than for real. Pidge didn't even looked up, Hunk was a bit nicer, he smiled at Lance and asked the question all of us were asking themselves right now." What happened? "
Lance grinned, like someone had given him all he ever wanted. "I," he began. "Spit it out already," Pidge hissed. "I am going on a date! Can you belive that?! This one girl,...." I didn't even heard the rest. It was obvious, why was I so shoked? Of course, Lance was going to life a normal life, he's sixteen Keith, thats a normal age to find a girlfriend. "Wait, is this one of your dumb jokes?" Pidge asked, confused. "No! I'm totally serious! I can't believe it either!" Lance yelled out, like he was trying to confer the hole library. "I think I should leave now," I stand up. "Wait, Keith!" He grabbed my arm, "Aren't you happy for me?" There was only one human on this god damn earth who could ask this question right now. Lance, I should hate him, right? For being a huge asshole, for, for what? He really did nothing wrong, it was my problem that I'd fallen in love with him. I turned around and hissed. "I'm not in the mood to be happy." and went out of the library. The hallway around me sponged. Why was I crying? Because I was stupid, my hole life I'd been that! Loving people will hurt you, how often have I felt that? My hole life, and now? I did the same error again.
Maybe it's better that way.

[Sorry that I didn't posted anything! And well this chapter isn't really long but I try to write another one today! Thank you sooo much for commenting and voting!!! You don't know how much that make me happy!!!]

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now