Chapter 4 [Lance]

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~Group Chat~

Pidge: Guys!!!✨

Hunk: It's late, what's wrong? Do you need help? ☺️

Lance:Wtf Pidge! I was trying to sleep!

Pidge: Shut up, it's worth it!

Lance: How dare you?!

Hunk: Guys, calm down. Lance, please let Pidge speak.

Pidge: You won't believe me! 👽

Lance: Come on! What?

Hunk: What?

Pidge : Keith's comming back!

Hunk: Really?

Lance: Haha, very funny.

Pidge : How I said...

Lance: YOUR KIDDING! Keith is away now for 2 years.

Hunk: I miss him

Pidge : let me explain :
You know Matheo? My older brother, best friends with Adam and Shiro?

Hunk: Yeah of course

Lance: Yes

Pidge : Shiro told him, I'm soo happy!

Hunk: I can't wait to meet him!

Lance: Idk

Pidge : What?

Lance: He's an ass

Hunk: Noo!

Pidge : Stop acting like a jealous toddler!

Lance: I'm not

Pidge: Yes you are!

Hunk: Stop fighting! Please! We can talk to him tomorrow!

~hunk went offline~

Pidge : Yeah, this is okay

~pidge went offline~

~lance went offline~

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now