Chapter 2 [Keith]

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Keith watched the city running by. The lights of clubs changed the streets into a new world. A brighter world. Wich Town was this? He didn't know. It felt like they'd been driving for days. All the stuff around him looked same. Same as hell. Shiro thought probably he was sleeping, somehow good cause he wouldn't annoy him anymore with all these shitty questions. Questions he wouldn't answer and part of couldn't.
Dam, why did it had to start like this, exactly like two years ago? He remembered sitting in the car, nervously and happy. Well it was better than the street, but it hurted more. Sometimes he wished in the Orphanage he would live on the streets again. There wasn't enough food, no save place, all that stuff you see on TV, you walk by. Keith knew this people, those who pretend to care about streetkids, those who look in the moment they see one, away. Most people think that this is the worst nightmare ever, Keith didn't though so. At some point it was better than a nursin family. He didn't want to remember all that.
And now, he was sitting here again, pressing his head against the car door, trying to accept the fact that he was still alive.

Hours had passed since he'd packed his stuff and went into the car with Shiro.
"Keith," Shiro started again. "I know that, to send you away wasn't okay." he struggled.

Wasn't okay?! Really? Seriously ? He'd been living in the Orphanage for 2 years. 2 god damn years to think about his "acts". About the errors he'd made in the past.
"We both know," Shiro continued,"I won't make this error again, you know I wasn't ready for a kid, especially like you..."
"Thank you." Keith muttered.
"Come on, You know that's the truth!"

Of course he knew. He knew that he didn't do all things right, but he had tried. Tried hard to find friends, tried to become good grades, tied to make Shiro proud, tried to forget is past.
He knew he'd failed, but wasn't that a human thing? It was definitely Keith thing. And now? He was about to go to the same flat, do the same things and what? Send me again back? All these questions he couldn't answer.
And, to admit, he would see his "friends" again. Friends he never tried to call. And he would see Lance again. He didn't know how to feel about that. Lance was well, his crush, just another reason to end his life. He knew that Lance would never like him back, even if he'd be the nicest male person on this planet. Lance was the typical heterosexual boy, flirting with every girl,...
Even if he'd like boys too, he'd never like Keith. They were friends? Not really. More than rivals (not Keith's decision!). It was Lance who started to made jokes about him, to battel him, to give him a reason to hate him. But he never did. Instead he'd fucking fallen in love with this boy.

Lovely          by  LillyMoonchild Where stories live. Discover now