Chapter 14 [Keiht]

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He starred at the wall, pretending to sleep. He layed there for hours now. The fact that Lance had lied for him kept him awake. But it wasn't only that, he also "enjoyed" to hear Shiro talking to Adam and crying about Keith. "He never told me anything about his past life!" he said. "It's like he's afraid to trust me," Adam sighed. "I can maybe understand that a bit," he added. "You know, I've no idea how it feels to don't have a family, but imagine: if you never trust anyone, you can't stop that?"
It wasn't just that I had no family, it was  mainly  the things they did, that made me like I am now. A broken shit of humanity.
In this time I learned a lot of things, for example how to fight, how to steal, how to run away from the police...even how to sell drugs.
Yes drugs. Fucking drugs that killed persons. But it wasn't just the stuff they did to me. It was my fault. My fault to be quite, to let them do what they want. To don't protect myself. How often had I wished I could trust someone.
It took me years to get used to the pain and then it stopped. Like all feelings. This sounds crazy? Every human feels something. No, this feelings are rare. It's not normal to loose them, but how I said, normality isn't my biggest power.
Somehow it'd managed to fall asleep. It is kina okay to have nightmares for me, I'm glad about them. In dreams I can feel, mostly fear and sadness, but okay. In the middle of the night I woke up. I was thirsty so I went to the kitchen and drank some water. The window were open, maybe Shiro forgot to close them ? I looked outside.
Under me, I could see the street, some cars and a trash bag someone had forgotten to bring away. I climbed outside, and sat down on the windowsill. It was cold, dangerous and probably stupid, but still I stayed there. Here I could think again. I didn't knew for how long I'd been sitting there until I heard Adams scared voice. "Keith?" he whispered. "What are you doing?" he came a bit closer. "Sitting." I said without turning around. Adam grinned. "You know there are a lot of less dangerous places where you can sit."
I didn't responded. "You probably know that Shiro is really worried. I don't like seeing him like that."
"It isn't my fault." I mumbled.
"Please just go to bed, we both know that when you're falling out of this god damn window, Shiro will definitely kill me too."
I laughed. I could really imagine how Shiro would freak out if Adam told him I accidentally fall out of the window in the middle of the night.
I went to bed like I promised Adam.
Tomorrow is going to be an awful day, I promised myself.

[Hey Guys! Thank you soo much for reading this! SPECIAL INFO:
This Fanfiction in on rang 30 in category Klance out of 11,2K!
CAN YOU BELIVE THAT?! I only started 3 days ago!]

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