Chapter 7 [Keith]

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It wasn't the first time people started at him. He wasn't new here, people remembered him. He was poulare somehow, not in a good way, kids got jealous if someone gets popular, even if this person didn't want to. Don't stick out, that was pretty simple but difficult. Keith never understood why girls liked him, he wasn't really nice, he had fucking annoying hair and just wore some old hoodies from his brother, bit weird to said that but it was somehow true.
Shiro gave him a list of the classes and rooms, he just could throw this paper way and then pretend he didn't found his class, okay this was maybe childish but better than just going to class. He took a deep breath and entered the building. There were soo much teenagers, taking, laughing, fighting, doing normal stuff. Nobody really recognized him. Just some girl pointed her finger on him and whispered something, Keith couldn't understand. "Room 302,"he muttered," How the hell can I find this? "Did he really wanted to find this?

Finally he found it, to his luck, Lance wasn't there, yet. Just a few kids, he didn't recognized. Keith sad down, put his headphones on and tried to act normal, like he was part of the class. After 10 minutes, the teacher came in, to admit, the lesson should've started 10 minutes ago, and Lance, Pidge or Hunk weren't there. "Okay," she said out of breath, "I'm a bit late but that's not a big problem, please put your books on the table and read the text at page 45, then you can do the exercises 1 till 3, any questions?" She didn't even saw Keith, not like he had a problem with that. She said down and started to do some work.
Keith didn't had a book, so he started to drwa on his notebook. If this is it, he could live that.

[Bit short but I wanted to switch perspectives, so new chapter!
Hope you like it! Please leave a comment!!!]

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